industrial revolution

  • the steam engine

    in 1776 James Watt invented the steam engine. the steam engine marked the start of the industrial revolution
  • the submarine

    in 1776 David Bushnell invented the submarine. This invention is imprtant because without it australia wouldnt be as safe
  • steam boat

    John Fitch invented the steam boat. Without this invention boats wouldnt be as big as they are today.
  • the gas turbine

    In 1791 John Barber invented the first gas turbine. Without them Jet planes and some helicopters wouldnt exist
  • Steam engine development

    steam power underwent a rapid expansionafter 1800 and were powering most factories. They have revolutionized the way we work in factories making it alot more efficient and cheaper to produce goods.
  • the first electric light

    Humphry Davy invented the first electric light ( the arc lamp) Without it we wouldnt be able to see very well at night in our houses
  • The second Industrial Revolution

    In 1850 the second Indutrial revolution started. The second Industrial Revolution lead to better and more efficient inventions.
  • traffic lights

    in 1868 J P Knightinvented traffic lights. Without them there would be many more car crashes in highly populated areas
  • the typewriter

    in 1876 Christopher scholes invented the typewriter. Without them computers wouldnt be as advanced as they are today
  • the dishwasher

    Joshephine Cochrane invented the dishwasher. Without it dishes would take alot longer to wash
  • the escalator

    in 1891 jesse W Reno invented the escalator. The escalator is important becasue without it it would be much harder to bring your shopping from the top floor of a shopping center to the bottom.
  • Diesel Engine

    Rudolph Diesel invented the Diesel Engine. The Diesel Engine is important because today many things are powered by them such as Trains and cars.
  • The Airconditioner

    William Carrier Invents the first airconditioner. This is important because without them we would be hot
  • the tractor

    In 1904 Benjamin Holt invented the tractor. Without it crops would take longer to put in and you wouldnt be able to get as much seed in.
  • the movie camera

    In 1912 the first movie camera was invented. Without them movies wouldnt exist today and they wouldnt have evolved into smaller cameras like gopros.
  • the first ford

    in 1921 Henry Ford designed and manufactured the first ford and called it the model T. this lead to many other cars being produced by many other companies