Industrial revolution scene

Industrial Revolution

By snia1
  • Jethro Tull invests seed drill

    Jethro Tull invests seed drill
    Jethro Tull was one of the first scientific farmers. He saw the usual way of sowing seeds by scattering across ground as wasteful and inefficient. He solved this issue with his invention he called seed drill. This inventions allowed farmers to sow seeds in well-spaced rows at specific depths. Jethro Tull's seed drill added to the Agricultural and Indsutrial Revolution.
    Larger share of seeds took root, boosting crop yields
  • John Kay invests the flying shuttle

    John Kay invests the flying shuttle
    Machinist John Kay made a shuttle that sped back & forth on wheels. He called his invention the flying shuttle. It was a boat-shaped piece of wood to which yarn was attached and added the cotton industry, as it doubled the work weaver could do in one day.
  • James Watt builts the first steam engine

    James Watt builts the first steam engine
    Progress in ttextile industry spurred other industrial improvements
    and the first development was the steam engine. This invention was caused by the search for a cheap, convenient source of power. James Watt, a mathematical instrument maker at University of Glasgow in Scotland ,thought about prob for two years before he found a way for the primitive models of the steam engine to work faster and more efficiently. He joined with entrepreneur Matthew Boluton to make the first steam engine.
  • Marx and Engels publish The Communist Manifesto

    Marx and Engels publish The Communist Manifesto
    The writings of the German journalist Karl Marx introduced the world to radical type of socialism, Marxism. Friedrich Engels was his wealthy coauthor and fellow German. He also gave Marx financial aid throughout their partnership. Both men felt strongly that the capitalist system produced by the Reovlution would eventually destory itself. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels outlined their ideas in The Communist Manifesto, a 23 page pamphlet.
  • US Civil War ends; US experiences technological boom

    US Civil War ends; US experiences technological boom
    After the Civil War, the United States had a wealth of natural resources like oil, coal, iron. The technological boom was also caused by the burst of inventions like the electric light bulb, and telephone. The swelling urban population that consumed new manufactured goods also added to this boom. And in the late 1800s, US cities like Chicago & Minneapolis expanded rapidly due this.
  • Germany becomes dominant industrial power in Europe

    Germany becomes dominant industrial power in Europe
    In the late 1800s, Germany was politically divided and economic isolation & scattered resources hampered nationwide industrialization. But pockets of industiralization eventually developed like in the Ruhr Valley. Germany imported British equipment & engineers and manufacturers sent their kids to England to learn industrial management. The nation also built railroads that connected its growing manufacturing cities with the Ruhr Valley’s coal & iron ore deposits.
  • British unions win right to strike

    British unions win right to strike
    For years, the British goverment denied workers the right to form unions as they saw them as a threat to social order & stability.
    Ignoring the threat of jail or job loss, factory workers joined unions anyway. After 1825, the government tolerated unions and repealed acts banning them. British unions shared goals of raising wages for members & improving working conditions, and in 1875, they finally won the right to strike.