Industrial Revolution

  • Jethro Tull

    Jethro Tull
    Tull perfected the seed drill. The machine sowed the seeds into neat rows instead of the traditional way of scattering them around a field.This increased production and led to better crops and harvest. The seed drill conserved land and used it more efficiently.
  • Thomas Newcomen

    First to create a practical steam pump. It was used to help get water out out of mines in England. Allowing mines to go deeper which in turns means more coal.
  • John Kay

    Invention of flying shuttle allowed weaving to get faster. It was closer to automatic weaving. It did the work of 2 old weavers and it can do any length of fabric.
  • James Watt

    James Watt
    The improved steam engine. Worked more efficiently without the huge consumption of resources. Allowed the mines to go deeper and allowed for other machines to work.
  • Samuel Crompton

    The spinning mule was another advancement with the production of cotton. It gave as it drew out twisting the cotton. It was used in over 360 mills allowing production to be faster.
  • Edmund Cartwright

    Invented the power loom. In which he ended up setting up a factory. It lowered manufacturing cost of woven items and helped improve other inventions.
  • Eli Whitney

    The cotton gin was a huge help. The invention allowed the process of picking the seeds out so much quicker. ALso it made it easier and they were more efficient.
  • Richard Arkwright

    Creation of the water frame. Helped the textile manufacturing. With being powered by water produced cotton yarn. It was an improvement on a machine that produced the yarn to weak.
  • Alessandro Volta

    Alessandro Volta
    The creation of the first battery made limits endless. A good electrical source that did not need to be recharged. It allowed other scientists to further their research in their fields.
  • Robert Fulton

    Robert Fulton
    150 foot long steam boat in August of 1807. Used his steamboats in times of need such as the earthquakes suffered during this time.
  • Elias Howe

    Elias Howe
    The creation of the sewing machine changed clothes. Mass produce them with less employees. Can have someone else make them instead of yourself. Better quality of clothes.
  • Cyrus Field

    Cyrus Field
    After numerous failed attempts he achieved to lay a telegraphic cable. Helped communication between citizens. Also helped push ideas.