Industrial Revolution

By gr#1
  • the beggining of the industrial revolution

    the beggining of the industrial revolution
    greatly increased output of machine made goods that began in england
  • seed drill

    seed drill
    jethro tull invented a seed drill that allowed farmers to plant seeds in well spaced rows at specific depths. larger mount of seeds took root. boosting crop yeild.
  • textile technology

    textile technology
    a machinest named john kay made a shuttle that sped back and forth on wheeles made of wood which yarn was attached. doubled what a weaver did in one day.
  • water frame

    water frame
    this machine used the water power from rapid streams to drive spinning wheeles.
  • spinning mule

    spinning mule
    samuel crompton combined features from the spinning jenny and the water frame to make the spinning mule. the spinnig mule made thread that was stronger, finer, and more consistent
  • lambs

    between 1700 and 1786 the weight of lambs went from 18 lbs to 50 lbs. so the food supplies increased.
  • power loom

    power loom
    edmund cartwright made the power loom which had sped up weaving
  • cotton skyrockets

    cotton skyrockets
    cotton went from 1.5 millin pounds 85 millin pounds
  • cotton

    englands cotton came from plantations in the american south
  • cotton gin

    cotton gin
    eli whitney had invented the cotton gin that multiplied the amount of cotton that could be cleaned