Indigenous rights since 1938

By JackAth
  • Freedom ride

    This was a segregation protest all over NSW. The students involved in the protest were mainly non Aborigional.
  • Wave Hill Walk Off

    the Gurindji people led by vincent Lingiari had a seven year strike to get their land back
  • Referendum

    This was a vote cast around all of Australian for the right for aborional people to have the right to vote. The percentage of people who voted yes was overwhelmingly high throught all australian states and teritories.
  • Tent embassy

    The aborigional people set up an embassy on the front garder of parliment and the embassy still stands today.
  • Land is Returned

    Whitlam Government returns land to the Gurindigi people
  • Mabo Case

    Mabo wins a case saying that his group of torres straight islanders are the owners of the Murray Islands.