Indian Ocean Trade

  • 1450 BCE


    The Indian Ocean trade was a huge historical event that lasted because it connected the East to the West. It helped spread religion and get trading done more efficient for the time.
  • 1300 BCE


    They had to cross water with boats, mountains, and large lands in order for a successful trade.
  • 1100 BCE


    The trade connected Southeast Asia, India, Arabia, and Finally East Africa. Eventually it even connected China.
  • 1000 BCE


    Items that was traded during this time was dhows, sailboats, silk, paper, food, ivory, timber, and religious ideas. Religions that were spread included Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity.
  • 800 BCE


    The Indian Ocean Trade included places like Kilwa, Sofala, Mombasa, and Malindi. These African city-states exported gold, ivory, and iron to India, Southeast Asia, and China.
  • 800 BCE


    The Indian Ocean trade commenced in 800 A.D. and fell through when Portugal invaded and tried to take over in 1500.
  • Period: 600 BCE to 1450 BCE

    Indian Ocean Trade

    The Indian Ocean trade connects the East with the West for a long trade route.