
Indian Nationalism and independance time line Dieg Zambrano p6

  • The sepoy Mutiny

  • India is under British rule

  • Gandhi born

  • Indian national congress formed

  • Gandhi accepts commission to spend a year in South Africa

  • The muslim League is formed

    Muhammad Ali Jinnah formed the league
  • gandhi travels to London, pushing for rights of South African Indians

  • Indian troops return home after the war

  • Britan passed the rowalt act

  • Amritsar Massacr

    Amritsar Massacr
    British troops slaughter Indian protesters
  • British troops arrest thousends of indians for protest

    This protest was to remove British rule over india
  • Gandhi is arrested for sedition

    Gandhi is arrested for sedition
  • Salt march

    Salt march
  • Government of india act

  • India is under self rule

    India is under self rule
  • India is free and splits into 2 countries india and pakistan

  • Gandhi is killed

    Gandhi is killed
    Killed by a hindu nationalist
  • Hindus and Muslims fight over the change in borders