Independence of Africa

  • The colony of South Africa was founded

    By the Dutch from the Netherlands.
  • The British take over

    The colony in early 1800s.
  • Pan-African movement

    This movement can be traced back to the early 19th century.
  • Pan-Africanism

    Spread across the globe during the 20 century.
  • After WW11

    Many Africans were opposed to European rule.
  • european powers began to liberate their african countries

    27 independent african countries
  • Indepandence

    Nigeria gained independence from britain in 1960
  • Indepented african countries

    47 were independent
  • Embargo Forces South Africa to Make Changes

    Pressure from embargo and containing resistence led by the African National Congress and the Pan African Congress forced South African government to began making changes.
  • Daniel arap Moi ran unopposed

    Daniel arap Mio, the KNAU ran almost unoppsed in everynational election until thye 1990s.
  • First Multi-racial Elections

    Aoth Africa held its first multiracial elections and chose Nelson Mandela as the country's first black president.
  • Elections

    elections were held in 1999 that seemed free and open than what had gone before