Important Inventions During The Industrial Revolution

  • Steam Engines It Also Improved Trade/Economy!

    Steam Engines It Also Improved Trade/Economy!
    Steamboats, originally created/patented by Thomas Savery in 1698, were a truly viable piece of machinery that helped start the industrial revolution. These engines were fueled by steam from boiling water (a fairly clean energy source), and were mainly used in modes of transportation. The steam engine was central/important to the industrial revolution, and it succeeded on running on a convenient fuel source. It helped transport goods and people efficiently as well as aided in settlement.
  • Spinning Jenny/Sewing Machine

    Spinning Jenny/Sewing Machine
    The sewing machine and spinning jenny, created by Elias Howe and James Hargreaves respectively, were machines that weaved and sewed cloth/clothing. These machines were created in 1764 (sewing machine) and 1846 (spinning jenny). These machines increased the production of clothes/cloth in the clothing industry, and increased the demand for cotton!
  • Factory Systems

    Factory Systems
    The factory system, created by Samuel Slator, was a series of steps of the manufacturing process under one roof (it was the idea of an industry/factory). This brought both machines and people under one roof in an area near waterways. This caused many cities to grow, the clothing industry to boom, and many new job oppurtunities!
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin, a machine that was deseigned to remove cotton from its seeds (more efficiently than it could be when done by hand), was invented by Eli Whitney.This machine made the industry in the South explode. This invention allowed farmers to harvest more cotton in a smaller amount of time causing cloth to be more abundent (as well as cheaper), the economy to boom, cotton to become a cash crop,the need for more slaves for an increased amount of labor, etc. It was a revolutionary machine!
  • Interchangeable Parts

    Interchangeable Parts
    This idea, created by Eli Whitney (the inventor of the cotton gin), was one that stated that products should be created in parts that people can exchange, buy, etc. They are replacement pieces/identical product parts of the exact specifications as the one before. This caused production to become faster, repairs for products to become easier/cheaper, and a decrease in skill labor. This also let companies sell muskets to the army.
  • National Roads

    National Roads
    National Roads, an the idea of Albert Gallatin, were roads that connected many regions of the country togethor through transportation. The first national road was built in 1806 (it was from Maryland to Virginia). National roads allowed people and goods to move around the country more efficiently (faster, cheaper, easier, etc.) and aided with the settlement of new areas within the country.
  • Steamboats

    Steamboats, first created by Robert Fulton, were boats powered/fueled by steam from boiling water rather than water wheels. Steamboats caused transportation to become cheaper, faster, easier, more efficient, etc., and it caused cities (such as St. Louis) to to develop. It also aided westward expansion (it also helped goods/people travel much more efficienyly).
  • Erie Canals

    Erie Canals
    This as the first major canal built by John Calhoun. This canal is a waterway that links New York City and Buffalo. This opened up Ohio for transportation of farm products and development. Not only did this allow for a more economical transport of goods to the market, but it also helped in westward expansion/settlement. John Calhoun believed this canal would aid the economy!
  • Textile/Lowell Mills

    Textile/Lowell Mills
    Lowell/Textile Mills, created by Francis Cabot Lowell, were mills where girls came to work all day. The girls lived at the area of the mill and were provided with a high wage and education. These mills increased job oppurtunities, education, and high salaries for young, unmarried women.
  • Steel Plow

    Steel Plow
    The steel plow, created by John Deere, was a lightweight plow with a sturdy steel blade deseigned for heavier soils. Thios machine allowed plowing on farms to become much faster/more efficient. It also increased farming production, and caused an expansion of farms into the midwest area of the U.S.
  • Telegraph

    The telegraph, created by Samuel Morse, is a machine used to communicate over long distances by tapping out codes that could be translated. Telegraphs improved communication by making it faster/more efficient, and it connected many regions of the country (unity).
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    The transcontinental railroad, first created by the Central Pacific Railroad and the Union Pacific Railroad, is a railroad that connected the country and the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts> This allowed for improved transportation that could transport goods/people cheaper, faster, and more efficiently.