Important Events From World War II - 1970

  • China Becomes Communist

    Explanation: Chinese leader Mao Zedong announced the People's Republic of China (PRC). This ended the war between Communist and Nationalist parties in China. Later that year, China fell to communism.
    Justification: When the Chinese became communist, the PRC ended. The United States paused their ties with the PRC because of China being communist.
    MLA: U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of State,
  • First Hydrogen Bomb Tested in U.S.

    Explanation:After Soviet success, the U.S. started on a nuclear weapon. They created the Hydrogen Bomb. The U.S. detonated this bomb on Enewetak atoll in the Pacific Ocean.
    Justification:The H-Bomb was 1000 times more powerful then other bombs. This bomb put the United States ahead of the Soviet Union during the Arms Race.
    MLA:“United States Tests First Hydrogen Bomb.”, A&E Television Networks, 13 Nov. 2009,