Important events during the renaissance

  • Jan 1, 1272

    Crusades end

    Crusades end
    The ninth crusade took place from 1271 until 1272. The crusades made the europeans come in contact with cultures other than their own which led to an interest in arts and science which caused the renaissance.
  • Nov 16, 1308

    Dante writes Inferno

    Dante writes Inferno
    It changed the world by telling people that they need to be good when they live or else they will go to hell. Inferno depicts hell as nine circles with the first being limbo and the last being treachery.
  • Jan 1, 1348

    The black death in Europe starts

    The black death in Europe starts
    The black death increased demand of work and trade and opened jobs for survivors. It also impacted the faith in the pope leading thoughts to challenging the power of Catholicism in the world.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to

    Medical Renaissance

    The medical renaissance has helped many people by imporving medicine and medical advances.
  • Nov 14, 1400

    Renaissance starts

    Renaissance starts
  • Jan 1, 1420

    Filippo Brunelleschi discovers linear perspective

    Filippo Brunelleschi discovers linear perspective
    The disocvery of linear perspective changed the way artists showed realism through paintings. If he had not discovered linear perspective, all the art today would look flat and two dimensional.
  • Jan 1, 1438

    Plato's works rediscovered

    Plato's works rediscovered
    The discovery of plato's works sparked an interest in classical antiquity which is a period of cultural history around the Mediterranean sea.
  • Jan 1, 1440

    Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press

    Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press
    The printing press was an invention that was a faster, easier alternative to writing things by hand. It allowed a spread of knowledge throughout the world because books and papers full of information could be spreaded. Before the invention of the printing press books were rare because they took so long to write by hand. Because of the printing press we can read a countless number of books instead of searching through the world to find a book that carries the information we need.
  • Jan 1, 1478

    The spanish inquisition starts

    The spanish inquisition starts
    The spanish inquisition is an example when people use religion as a way to gain more power which some people still use today. An example of this today is Dr Fireman who was the subject of Seyi Rhode's nigeria's millionaire preachers.
  • Jan 1, 1503

    The Mona Lisa is painted

    The Mona Lisa is painted
    The Mona Lisa is perhaps the most famous painting from the renaissance. The painting shows nothing to show her social standing, an unusual smile that confuses the viewer and the painting has an optical technique which looks as if the mona lisa's eyes are following you. A lot of people on earth believe that the Mona Lisa has some kind of secret meaning and many people have been trying to find out what it is. The painting introduces many that are stated above.
  • Jan 1, 1516

    Martin Luther forms the Protestant reformation

    Martin Luther forms the Protestant reformation
    Martin Luther opened the door to religous freedom by translating the bible which made a impact on the church. He formed a religious movement called the Protestant Reforamtion. When he questioned the church, it led to many people following his beliefs which made the church lose some power. Because of Martin Luther and many others, the church is not the most powerful in the land now. The power is spread across many individuals who have to make important decisions to benefit the land.
  • Jan 1, 1532

    Niccolò Machiavelli writes The Prince

    Niccolò Machiavelli writes The Prince
    The beliefs written in this book were followed by infamous leaders of the world, incluidng Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Henry the Eigth, and John Gotti who considered it the "Mafia Bible" The book states that the laeder should do anything to acheive the goal. A good example of this is a statement in the book that states "The end justifies the means"
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus creates heliocentric theory

    Nicolaus Copernicus creates heliocentric theory
    Heliocentrism is a astronomical model in which the sun is in the center of the universe. Galileo Galilei opposed the church because he supported helio centrism. This has changed the world we live in today because with the knowledge of heliocentric theory we can preform missions in space and predict many different things that require knowledge of where the planets are.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1550 to

    The scientific revolution

    A period in time where people posed new theories and developed procedures to test ideas. An important invention in this period was the scientific method created by Rene Descartes which we still use today in science class and around the world.
  • Romeo and Juliet is preformed for the first time

    Romeo and Juliet is preformed for the first time
    It is unknown when Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet but the date it was first preformed is known. Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous plays ever written and has inspired countless works.
  • Telescope invented by Hans Lippershey

    Telescope invented by Hans Lippershey
    After Hans Lippershey created the telescope Galileo improved it and produced telescopes with increased power. The telescope is an invention that is used throughout the field of astronomy to understand the universe better by looking into the sky. The telescopes today are incredibly powerful and can spot distant galaxies and planets, helping us understand the wonders of the universe better.