9538813 orig


  • Treaty of Nanjing of 1842

    Treaty of Nanjing of 1842
    The Treaty of Nanjing of 1842 was a very unfair treaty. The treaty granted the British money and the land of Hong Kong.
  • Mathew C. Perry in Japan

    Mathew C. Perry in Japan
    An American man, by the name of Mathew C. Perry, sailed to Japan in order to open trade between the two nations. This resulted in Japan industrializing and later becoming one of the worlds leading industrial nations.
  • Suez Canal Constructed

    Suez Canal Constructed
    Sea-level waterway running north-south in Egypt to connect the Mediterranean and Red Sea. Provide shortest maritime route between Europe and western lands. British ended up controlling it due to financial reasons.
  • Scramble for African territory began

    Scramble for African territory began
    People in Frnce began to find ways to aquire more land. There were many reasons as to why the French desired more land. They wanted to map more territory, have more natural resources, industrialize more areas, claim land for the mother nation, manipulate others, ideological reasons, to convert others' religion, and to obtain more materials for certain products.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    When 14 nations met together to lay down rules for the division of Africa. The African nations were not at the conference because they obviously would not like to have anyone to take over their land. The African colonies also did not have a government to be represented at the conference.
  • United States Open Door Policy

    United States Open Door Policy
    The United States of America created the Open Doors Policy in order to open the Chinese trade to all nations. This shows how important China's role was in materials for other nations.
  • Revolution of 1911

    Revolution of 1911
    The Revolution of 1911, was when Chinese who desired a modern and independent republic rebelled against the Qing Dynasty and won. The result of the revolution, was a democracy.