

By bford3
  • Opium Wars

    Opium Wars
    The Chinese tried to stop the British from smuggling opium into China. The British easily defeated the Chinese.
  • Treaty of Nanjing

    Treaty of Nanjing
    This treaty tried to stop the Opium wars. It was unequal and granted British with money and Hong Kong.
  • Suez Canal Built

    Suez Canal Built
    In order to modernize Egypt, Isma'il supported the construction of the Suez Canal. The canal connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea.
  • The Berlin Conference

    The Berlin Conference
    The countries of Europe met together at Berlin to decide how Africa will be split up. No African country was represented at the Berlin Conference.
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    It was created by the U.S. It explained that China should be open to all countries for trade.
  • The Boer War

    The Boer War
    This war was between England and the Boers (Dutch settlers). They were fighting over South Africa.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    This was an uprising on peasants in China trying to force all foreigners out of China. It was started by anti-imperialists.