
  • monroe doctorine

    monroe doctorine
    This doctorine said that if any other European contries that tried to take over parts of the U.S. would show aggression.
  • opium wars

    opium wars
    The chinese, British, Russians and many others fought over who gets the opium rights.
  • treaty of kanagawa

    treaty of kanagawa
    this treaty opened the doors for trade with japan and also let the U.S. consulate in Japan
  • suez canal

    suez canal
    Feedinand de Lesseps got permission from the ottoman empire to build a canal from the Egypt and to the Suez
  • berlin conference

    berlin conference
    All the different rulers from a various amount of countries got together to decide who gets what from Africa.
  • open door policy

    open door policy
    this policy just dispatched all or Europes power
  • boer war

    boer war
    The Boers were people from original Dutch decent that lived in south africa. They got tired of not living in good conditions and when the british found diamonds on their part or africa they wanted some of those diamonds but britian didn't want to give them any so they got in a war.