Iashia's Life Timeline

  • The Beginning/Prenatal Development

    Biosocial:I respond by movement to the voices I am familiar with, I am eating well
    Cognitive: I understand I am stuck in here until I am fully developed,
    Psychosocial: I know who my parents are and pay special attention to them
  • I was born

    I was born
    Biosocial: Full physical development as well as first interaction with people
  • Period: to

    Iashia's Magnificent Timeline

  • Early Development /Accomplishments

    Biosocial-Growth and speech development
    Cognitive- Matches word to people, speaks words, walks, determined Psychosocial-familiar with environment, learns capabilities
  • By 2nd birthday

    By 2nd birthday
    Biosocial: I was attempting to feed myself, busy body, took walks to the park
    Cognitive: I could understand people more, spoke more words, held conversations, learned more such as ABCs
    Psychosocial: I became more independent by not wanting to hold my mom's hand, wanted things my way
  • Play time

    Play time
    Biosocial: I was able to pay attention while I am was being taught
    Cognitive: I learned by building blocks and pictures
    Psychosocial: family influenced me to have long term goals by choosing my future profession and teaching me obedience
  • School Time

    School Time
    Biosocial: Iearned by visual aids, demonstration, completed tasks in groups
    Cognition: learned how to follow directions in school and have manners, got straight A's
    Psychosocial: my mother helped me with my homework, helped me study, competitive with other classmates gave me motivation
  • Period: to

    Middle School and Adolescence

    Biosocial: Understood the importance of education and accepted my responsibility
    Cognition: Received scholarship for college due to grades, decided what high school I wanted to go to, 2nd place in spelling bee
    Psychosocial: Parents decided a high school for me, got bully in class
  • Growing Up / Emerging Adulthood

    Biosocial: I continued to learn through special aids
    Cognitive: I learned that high school is different from middle school, grades decreased
    Psychosocial: Change in atmosphere, completely shy and did not fit in at new school
  • Growing Up Rapidly

    Growing Up Rapidly
    Moved out of single parent home
  • New Experience

    Worked as a retail clerk, loved it became more independent
  • Marriage

    Got married change in environment/learned adaptation
  • Graduation to Adult hood

    Biosocial: Opened up to my environment, gained confidence
    Cognitive: Realized my abilities, graduated high school, Used my scholarship
    Psychosocial: I got married, got closer to my family
  • Birth

  • New beginning

    Son's first Christmas-New beginning
  • All Grown Up/Late Adulthood

    All Grown Up/Late Adulthood
    Biosocial: Exercised a lot, interacted stille learned at a fast pace, gained maturity, caring attitude and life's pupose
    Cognition: Developed the role of a wife, being responsible for meals, balancing life, while having fun, attending school, reality of the importance of credit, multi-tasking
    Psychosocial: Additional family, different backgrounds, learning acceptance, involved in family planning
  • Period: to


    Son enters preschool learning at an advanced level
  • I opened a Spa Treatment Center

    I opened a Spa Treatment Center
  • Business was a huge success

  • Promoted

    Son gets double promoted
  • Husband Masters Computer Technology signs with Google

    Husband Masters Computer Technology signs with Google
  • Buy a new mansion

    Buy a new mansion
  • Physician Assistant Goal Completed

    Physician Assistant Goal Completed
    Happy times!!
  • Physician Doctorate Program Army

    Physician Doctorate Program   Army
  • Son becomes a engineer

    Son becomes a engineer
  • Period: to

    Family Reunion

    Chance to enjoy life and appreciate eachother
  • Retirement

    Enjoying Retirement
  • Future Family

    Future Family
    Son has grandchildren
  • Dying

    Biosocial: I am slowly deteriorating, I am forgetful and can not remember my name, I am tired
    Cognitive: I can still understand directions and respond,
    Psychosocial: I am President of the Church committee, I have retired 40 years earlier from University Of Michigan and Children's Hospital as a Senior Physician Assistant. My grand children are all grown up and take care of me at my home with my husband Charles Coleman
  • Death

    Biosocial: I have lost my energy and just died in my sleep gracefully
    Cognitive: I was totally in my right mind, still in love and happy, conquering my missions in life
    Psychosocial: My husband was right along the side of me and we just passed together in our house right off the ocean. Our family is surrounding us in prayer. We slipped off to heaven and received our rihtful places in peace.