
Hydrogen Bomb and the Nuclear Arms Race

  • Oppenheimer Rejects Bomb Ideas

    Oppenheimer Rejects Bomb Ideas
    He was elected to be the chairman of its General Advisory Committee, which was part of the team working on the bomb but he was against the idea of the bomb, becasue of his job he created many enemy. One of his enenmy was Strauss who he humilliated in front of congress, also many others like Edward Teller who were aganist him because he was slowing down the production of the hydrogen bomb.
  • Developers of the U.S. Bomb

    Developers of the U.S. Bomb
    Lewis Strauss, commission member of the Atomic Energy Commission aruged that the U.S. needed something more powerful, and with help from David Lilienthal, Edward Teller a scientist and some of the team from the Manhatten project they developed tand produced a hydrogen bomb.
  • Hydrogen Bomb Arrangements are Public

    Hydrogen Bomb Arrangements are Public
    President Truman made public annocements about arrangements to start the production of a hydrogen bomb, when the Solviets heard the news they also began to design a hydrogen bomb.
  • Countries Involved in Development of Hydrogen Bombs

    The United States was behind in weapon technology, the Solviets developed atomic weapons which modivated the U.S. to come up with the plans of the hydrogen bomb.
  • U.S detonates first hydrogen bomb

    U.S detonates first hydrogen bomb
    the first bomb was set off on Eniwetok atoll in the Pacific. It was the first of it's kind to be constructed and it is 1,000 times as powrful as a atomic bomb. The new bomb gave the U.S. advantage over the rest of the world for a little while but within a year the Solviet Union developed one of thier own.
  • Detonating Bombs

    The U.S tested their bombs in the Marshall Islands and when they went to drop if from the jet they were 4 miles off from there target location.
  • Reaction Behind the Bomb

    Reaction Behind the Bomb
    The power behind the hydrogen bomb is the fusion of nuclei from hydrogen isotopes into helium nuclei
  • U.S. Bomb Picture

    U.S. Bomb Picture
    The test bomb in the Marshell Islands
  • Solviet Union Detonates First Bombs

    Solviet Union Detonates First Bombs
    A year after the U.S. the Soviets came out with their first hydrogen bomb "Sloika", scientists Sakharov and Ginzburg were the co-creators of the bomb.
  • Effects of the U.S Bomb

    Effects of the U.S Bomb
    The second bomb the U.S. detonated was bulit to be a weapon and not just a test. It was given the name Ivy Mike, when it was denoted it was measured to be 7 miles across, 47,000 feet high mushroom cloud and was seen 250 miles away. The powerful 15.4 megaton blast is still the largest blast the U.S. ever relased.