Hungarian war of independence

  • Revolution of 15th of March

    A revolution broke out in Pest on the 15th of March 1848, and it was also the startingpoint of the freedomfight.
  • The April Laws

    The April Laws was sanctioned by Ferdinan V. and it consolidate the most important rights of the country and created constitutional monarchy.
  • Battle of Pákozd

    The first main battle of the Freedom fight. The Hungarian army led by Móga János defeated the imperial army led by Jelacic at Pákozd.
  • Batte of Schwechat

    The imperial forces of Windischgrätz defeated the army of Móga after it crossed the Hungarian-Austrian border.
  • Battle of Mór

    The army of Windischgrätz won against Perczel Mór's army and Kossuth ordered the evacuation of Pest-Buda.
  • Manifesto of Vác

    Görgey Artúr wanted to preserve the unity of the officer corps, and offered peace to the Habsburgs in exchange for acknowledging the April Laws. After the manifesto kossuth replaced Görgey from his position, because he thought Görgey is a possible enemy
  • The Spring campaign

    The Hungarian army started a great offensive campaign, organized by Görgey and Klapka. The aim was to outflank the imperial army, capture Buda back and push the Austrians out from the country.
  • Battle of Isaszeg

    After the defeat of the imperial forces, Windischgrätz was deposed and Welden became the new leader of the Austrian army.
  • Recapture of Buda

    After a long and hard siege the Hungarian forces captured Buda back and this made Welden to retreat into Vienna.
  • Capitulation of Világos

    The Hungarian army led by Görgey surrendered to the Russian army. This marks the end of the Freedom fight.
  • Battle of Komárom

    The last stronghold of the Hungarian army defended by Klapka György also lost.