Humanities 7

  • lucy

    over 4 million years ago
  • homo habilis

    2 million years ago
    had tools
  • homo erectus

    1.8million years ago
    made fire
  • neandethals

    less than 500,000 years ago
    bury thier dead
  • homo sapiens sapiens

    modern humans
    did all the others did but better
  • the rise of the kingdom sumer

    apporx. 2900
    sumer was a big civilazation with water systems fodd supply etc.
    near egypt
    monarchy gov
  • the epic of gilgames

    no date best copy 7th century bce
    he was the king of uruk
    fought many battlesd including with the bull of heavan
    he was a real person but the things he did may have been fake
  • abraham

    approx.1900 bce
    had a baby with sarah
    belived in god
    went to canaan
  • hamarabbis code

    king of babylonia
    his code was the laws
    one of the most important laws is if you get caught robbing a house you shall die
  • Joseph goes to Egypt and the Israelites follow

    was the son of jacob
    was sold to slavery by brothers
    he became a servant
  • Moses, the Exodus from Egypt, and the Ten Commandments

    moses wrote 10 commandments
    10 commandments were rules
    they leave slavery
  • The Time of the Judges/The Time Before Kings

    Approx. the middle of the 13th century to the middle of the 11th century BCE
    Deborah was a prophetess
    Ruth was a foremother
    Deborah lead an attack
  • The Reign of David

    Approx. 1013-973 BCE
    He was proclamed king
    He fought goliath
    He hit him in the head with a stone
  • Elijah

    approx 875-853 BCE
    she was a prophet
    has a cup put out for him during passover
    stands up to Ahab
  • the seige of Lachish

    701 bce
    was a big war
    king of judah rebelled
    were later made into carvings
  • Siege of Jerusalem

    587 bce
    judah antagonized nabuchadnezzar
    judah revolted
    general burned the temple
  • Indus Valley Civilizations

    2000 bce
    had the indus river
    had a big population
    had the sybols around the cities
  • The Aryan Invasion and the Vedas

    1700 bce
    rig veda included indus
    had much communication during invasion
    made with sanscript
  • The Ascetics and the Upanishads

    700-500 bce
    were migrators
    the classes were part of them
    they were in the end of the vedas