Humanities 7

By Ishrat
  • Lifetime of Lucy

    4 million years ago.
    *is a bipad, walks on two feet
    *can pick things up and pick food
    *can defend herself and children
    *has human teeth, omnivore
  • Homo Habilis

    2 million years ago.
    *has bigger brain then lucy
    *can make tools
    *can make clothes
    *uses tools to tear animals
  • Homo Erectus

    1.8 million years ago.
    *bigger brain
    *can make better tools
    *can make fire for protection and warmth, gives them light and can cook food.
  • Neanderthals

    Less yhan 500,000 years ago.
    *bigger brains
    *sophisticated tools with handels
    *can make fire
    *have sense of community
    *baried the dead with their tools
    *hunt for bigger animals
  • Homo sapiens sapiens

    Modern Humans.
    *bigger brains then the rest
    *better tools, like tools that can kill from a distance ex. bows..
    *can control fire more
    *started agriculture, arts,
    *symbols mean of communication written
    *can make sulpture and drawings
  • Rise of Kingsom Sumer

    Approx. 2900 BCE
    The seven charecteristics of a civilization are, social structure, stable food supply, religion, goverment, writing, culture, and technology. The city of sumer used to be located in southern Iraq in Mesopotamia. Sumer which was in Mesopotamia was near the Tigris and Euphrates River. The sumerian government was based on a monarchy the king and perist were the top people then. Some of sumerian technology they had was cuniform, wheels, swords, daggers, and irragation systems.
  • The Epic of Gilgamesh

    Exact date of writing unknown; best copies discovered in a 7th century BCE royal library.
    Gillgamesh used to be the king of Uruk, he is a real person but the things he did was not real for they were unrealistic. In the epic of gilgamesh, Gilgamesh goes through a lot of adventures and troubles, and goes through a lot of greif for his friend died. Right after his friends death he knew has going to die, he tried to be forever young for he can't be immortal. In the end he knew he had to die someday
  • Abraham

    Approx. 1900BCE
    Abraham lived in Ur, a city inn Mesopotamia. Acording to the Torah, God commanded Abraham to leave his home and move to Isreal. Although for decades Abraham's wife Sarah could not have children, in her elderly years she had a baby. They called him Isaac. God commanded Abraham to sacrafice his son. Because of Abraham's faith and obedience God spared the boy at the last moment.
  • Hammurabi's Code

    1792-1750 BCE
    Hammurabi was a king in Babylon in Mesopotamia. He lived in Mesopotamia. The Hammurabi's code was made Hammurabi, He was most famous for making that code. The Code included nearly 300 laws. Hammurabi said that the reason he was able to write the code was because he was given the right to do that by the sun god Shamash. Some of the most important laws were about sealing, loss of property and land, adultery, respect of father and following the rules.
  • Joseph goes to Egypt and the Israelites follow

    Approx. 1700-1280 BCE
    Joseph was Jacob's son. He was also his favorite son, and because of that his brothers became jealous and faked Joseph's "death" and sold him into slavery. A slave owner to Joseph to interpret a Pharaoh's dreams, he was so accurate that the made him prime minister. His family found out and Joseph forgave his brothers and all of his family moved to Egypt to be with him. When a famine hit Palestine, Joseph moved all the Isrealites to Eqypt.
  • Moses, the Exodus from Egypt, and the Ten Commandments

    Approx. 1280-1240 BCE
    Moses was one of the Jews that was s'pose to be killed by the order of the Pharoah, but his mom hid him and he was found by the Pharoah daughter. Exodus is when Moses with his walking stick divied the red sea so that the jews can pass through and escape from the egyptian army. Today Exodus is celebrated by jew called Passover Day. The ten Commandments are moral laws for humanity. They are important because they were sent down by God. These were given in Mount Sanai.
  • The Time of the Judges/The Time Before Kings

    the middle of the 13th century to the middle of the 11th century BCE. Deborah- *She was responsible for listening and taking care of everyone's problems in Canaan, *she was famous for winning a battle and the leader being killed and because of that there was peace in the land for 40 years. Ruth- *she was a very poor girl, she followed naiomi she pick up scraps that was left behind for food. *she got married to Boa a rich man. *her great desendent is David.
  • The Reign of David

    Approx. 1013-973 BCE
    David- *great desendant of Ruth *he became king by killing Goliath right after he finished hiding from Sool. * he is important because of him The isrealites were saved from Goliath. *He killed Goliath by using the name of God and hitting him withj a rock in the middle of his head.
  • Elijah

    Approx. 875-853 BCE
    Elijah- *a important phrophet sent by God *his responsibility was to spread the word of God and cionvince people in monotheism *somethings he went to was the was trying to convince Ahab and his wife in monotheism by challenging him in something, that proved that he was right.
  • Siege of Lachish

    *701 BCE
    *Assyrians took over the city of Lachish, becasue the leaders disobeyed Sennacherib to pay
    *Assyrians took in many refugees from Lachish
    * the story of the seige is carved in a room on 8 feet walls, showing the seige of Lachish,The first scene shows the invading army marching in, then comes the bloody battle,the the dead, refugees, and injured, last Sennacherib
    *in Judea
    *Assaria in northen Iraq
    *the ruler of Lachish was killed
  • Siege of Jerusalem

    *587 BCE
    *babylon took over Jeruselem led by Nebuchadnezzar
    *that happened be cause the ruler Zedekiah rebelled againsr him
    *took in refugees
    * blinded Zedekiah after making him watch his sons get killed