
Humanities 7

By Chisaku
  • Life time of Lucy

    4 million years ago
    first biped
  • Homo Habilis

    2 Million years ago
    first tool maker
  • Homo Erectus

    1.8 million years ago
    fire starters
  • Neanderthals

    less the 500000 years ago
    lived together in large communities
  • Homo Sapiens Sapiens

    Modern Humans
    agriculture, domestication
  • Rise of the kingdom Sumer

    Babylonian kingdom located here. Base of Gilgamesh.
  • The epic of Gilgamesh

    Exact date of writing unknown; best copies discovered in a 7th century BCE royal library. A real king who lives on in the hearts of the current people whose anchestor were his subjects.
  • Abraham

    Approx. 1900BCE
    Most none from the bible, said to be the first to talk to god, and so loyal, almost sacrificed his son because god told him to.
  • Hammurabi's code

    1792-1750 BCE
    A king who ruled over the original Babylonian kingdom, and made laws that had harsh punishments, only because he thought Shamash told him to.
  • Joseph goes to Egypt and the Israelites follow

    Approx. 1700-1280 BCE
    Joseph was said to be a vessel of god that talk through his thoughts, he was Egypt because he was sold into slavery.
  • Moses, the Exodus from Egypt, and the Ten Commandments

    Approx. 1280-1240 BCE
    Moses is said to help most of the slaves escape by partig the Red sea apart with a single strike with his staff.
  • The Time of the Judges/The Time Before Kings

    Approx. the middle of the 13th century to the middle of the 11th century BCE
    Deborah, she solves problems, after a process of 'yes you did', and 'no I didn't'.
  • The Reign of David

    Approx. 1013-973 BCE
    David is said to have taken down Goliath
  • Elijah

    Approx. 875-853 BCE
    Elijah was the one who tried to persude King Ahab to believe in God. He is said to have worked with God to geate a coulum of fire so big and yet powerful enough to burn completely drenched wood, two oxen and profits of another God!
  • Seige of Lachish

    -was burned down after seige
    -all inhabitants were exiled beacause the Assyrians used it as a strategic point
    -A linking trading point between Mesopotamia & the Mediterranean
  • Seige of Jerusalem

    -Most Kings were foolish enough to attack
    -stripped of wealth because the inhabitants were foolish
    -temple was destroyed whike inhabitants were exiled
  • Indus Valley Civilizations

    survived brcause of the neighboring Indus R.
    Harappa was a great village of artifacts found and showed parts of their ways of life.
  • The Aryan Invasion and the Vedas

    1700 BCE
    Aryans were the ones whho would try to divide and conqour to build and obtain power.
  • The Ascetics and the Upanishads

    700-500 BCE