How my Government Came to be

  • Before there was a nation..

    Our land was originally the west side of the United States. At this time we were at war with highly developed nations.
  • The bomb

    A bomb went off on the west side of Utah and left the west side of the United states HIGHLY radioactive.
  • Isolation

    The U.S. government immediately isolated the west side of the country, because there was so much radioactivity. The human race had never seen this before, along with the mutations we all endured.
  • Discovering our mutations

    We were left there to die, but our mutations helped us adapt to the radioactivity, letting us be able to build houses, create more technology, make food, and eliminating diseases. We were able to do this with our mutations. Instead of contacting the U.S. government we all just worked together to recreate our old civilization.
  • interference

    Of course word was spread about our new civilization, which lead the U.S. government to start interfering with our plans. The radiation had only calmed down a little bit, enough for scientists, presidents, and other important people to come into the new nation with protective wear and technology.
  • The first war

    We refused to become one nation again. We felt betrayed and had to start over with what we had and who we had. So of course they brought in an army. With our mutations, we easily won and were finally our own nation.
  • Our government

    When we were rebuilding, we really came together and thought that's how our government should be. No one higher power, no political platforms, no corrupt officials. Just our people working together to generate the best nation possible. Our own form of democracy