
The Events of The Holocaust (1931 - 1939)

  • Hitler Started His Toxic Speech Campaign

    Hitler Started His Toxic Speech Campaign
    On July 22nd, 2018 Hitler started his first Campaign speech in Berlin. During this speech he utilized "modern propaganda techniques", such as using violent terms of resolve, inciting the crowd using German Nationalism, and making vague promises. At this time, his power was solidified and the Nazi party was the largest party in Germany! Link text
  • Roosevelt Elected President!

    Roosevelt Elected President!
    Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected the 32nd president of the United States, winning both the electoral college and popular vote. During his presidency he pulled america out of the "Great Depression" and restored the American Economy. His presidency also affected how the Holocaust and WWll would play out. Roosevelt was a very influential man. Link text
  • Hitler is Appointed as Chancellor

    Hitler is Appointed as Chancellor
    Due to Hindenburg's intimidation, in regard to Hitler's popularity and power, he caves in and appoints him as Chancellor. During his time in office, Hitler slowly expanded his power through networking and executive action. In hindsight, we now recognize this move as a grave mistake that aided in the murder on upwards of 10 millions individuals total. Link text
  • ANTI - JEWISH Boycott

    ANTI - JEWISH Boycott
    About 3 months after entering office Hitler started his Antisemitic campaign by boycotting Jewish businesses. He falsely presented, and promoted, his actions as revenge for the defamation of Germany's character after WWl. This boycott as a whole was actually short lasting and very unsuccessful, but it foreshadowed the atrocities that were going to occur years later. Link text
  • Another Antisemitic Law (No Education)

    Another Antisemitic Law (No Education)
    Hitler's regime decided to end "overcrowding" in German schools by prohibiting Jewish children from going to public German Schools. This essentially decimated the amount of Jewish children going to school. Nazi ideas were also being forced into the brains of young German children, so it was a done deal for the Jewish Citizens. Link text
  • Death of Hindenburg/ Abolishment of The Presidency

    Death of Hindenburg/ Abolishment of The Presidency
    On August 2nd, 1934 President Hindenburg dies, making Hitlers powers endless. Only a week after his death, Hitler decided to abolish the office of the presidency and appoint himself as Führer. This was yet another obvious sign that Hitler was a dangerous dictator hungry for power. Link text
  • Nuremberg Race Laws

    Nuremberg Race Laws
    After years of suppressed hatred and a failed boycott Hitler finally decided to implement major restriction on the Jewish German population. These laws were designed to perpetuate the Jewish stereotypes and restrict the public from knowing the truth about Jewish people. During this time Hitler also poisoned the minds of youth attending German schools, making the effects of these laws more catastrophic. Link text
  • Jesse Owens Competes

    Jesse Owens Competes
    The Irony... In the Olympic Games (held in Berlin) 18 African American athletes competed in the competition. These athletes dominated the track/field events,effectively winning 14 medals. This defied the Nazi belief that Aryan's were superior and proved that every race is equal in terms of skill. Germany only took home 4 medals in track and field, however had the most medals in the end. Link text
  • German Annexation of Austria

    German Annexation of Austria
    The predecessor to "Kristallnacht" German forces raided Austria and assaulted and destroyed Jewish people and property. Hitler appointed a new government called "Anschluss" and the "alliance" remained until the end of WWll. Hitlers "Third Reich" plan was coming together more than it has ever before! Link text
  • German Jews’ Passports Declared Invalid

    German Jews’ Passports Declared Invalid
    In another attempt to trap Jewish individuals in Germany, so that they could be effectively murdered, Hitler scraped all the passports of Jewish people. The only way a Jewish person was allowed to have a passport was if it was stamped with a large "J" to signify their race/religion. Hitler was foreshadowing the Holocaust more and more with every move! Link text
  • Kristallnacht

    "THE NIGHT OF THE BROKEN GLASS" The Nazi regime ran a violent raid in the late night hours of November 9 - 11,1938. Any opponent of Nazism was killed and Jewish owned businesses, synagogues, and homes were destroyed and almost 100 people were killed (with another 30,000 men being imprisoned). During this night a young boy shot an officer that was beating his parent. This would change the course of the world... [Link text[(
  • First Kindertransport Arrives in Great Britain

    First Kindertransport Arrives in Great Britain
    Kindertransports were a beautiful thing... Young Children being affected by the Jewish persecution were sent off into other countries/safe spaces so that they could continue their lives. While beautiful, most children would never see their parents again because they were murdered during the Holocaust. The efforts of other Europeans to save the children of the Holocaust are greatly appreciated! Link text
  • The Tragic Story of the St. Louis

    The Tragic Story of the St. Louis
    On May 13, 1939 about 900 Jewish passenger set sail on the St. Louis hoping to be safe from the nightmare in Germany. Sadly, due to tight customs and refused entry the ship was forced to go back to Europe. On June 6th, 1939 the ship returned, this time docking in Belgium. Roughly 200 of these passengers ended up dying in the Holocaust. This story shows how Jewish people were shunned all around the world. Link text
  • WWll Initiation (Polish Invasion)

    WWll Initiation (Polish Invasion)
    It was on this cold September Day that the second World War began... Germany easily broke through Polish Army lines and thousands of refugees (both Jewish and not) were forced to flee for their lives. After Germany occupied the territory, they started to impose their racial prejudice on the effected areas. They stole hundreds of thousands of Polish people homes and forced Jewish people into hiding. Link text