Sachar   holes coverart


  • Exposition

    We are introduced to Stanley, a down on his luck chubby kid who gets bullied at school. He family is said to be cursed and eveyrone in his family uses the curse to explain bad events that happen in their lives.
  • Stanley is Arrested (((INITIAL INCIDENT)))

    Stanley Yelnauts the Fourth was arrested for "Stealing" Clyde Livingstons shoes that he donated to a homeless shelter. He is given a choice; jail or Camp Green Lake. Stanley chose Camp Green Lake and was sent off!
  • Camp Green Lake (((RISING ACTION)))

    Stanely arrives at Camp Green lake and is greeted by his new commerades. Squid, Magnet, Zigzag, X-Ray, Armpit, and Zero. he is also introduced to Mr. Pendanski and Mr.Sir. later on he is also introduced to the warden.
  • Hole digging

    Stanley is shown around camp and is told what he has to do. They instruct him that he has to dig holes, one everyday. The holes have to be 5 feet deep and wide. He is instructed that they are digging to build character.
  • (After Hole Digging) Elya Yelnats (IN THE PAST)

    Elya Yelnats wanted to marry a beautiful but stupid girl named Myra Manke. He goes to his friend Madame Zeroni who tells him to carry a small pig up a mountain, let it drink from the stream, and carry it back down. Eyla follows the instructions but does not keep his promise to Madame Zeroni after he gives up on Myra. He then takes a boat to America and marries a girl named Sarah Miller. By not fufilling the promise to Madame Zeroni he put a curse on his Name/Family.
  • The Golden Tube (((RISING ACTION)))

    Stanley was digging in his hole when he came across a golden lipstick tube. It had the initials "KB" on it. They were surrounded by a small engraved heart. Stanley gave it to X-Ray and he got the day off.
  • The Warden

    The Warden is extatic about the golden tube and she orders the boys to pair up and dig huge holes together. As the day went on they find nothing else (This is becqause they were digging near X-Ray's hole and not near Stanley's). After the rush everyone goes back to digging their own holes.
  • Zero and Stanley make a deal.

    Zero has been watching Stanley write letters to his mom. While this is happening Stanley tells him that he doesn';t like people reading over his shoulder. Zero then regretfully informs him that he can't read. The next day Zero is again watching Stanley write. Zero asks if Stanley could teach him to read and write. After some consideration Stanley agrees to do it and as part of the deal Zero promised to dig part of Stanley's hole each day.
  • Sunflower Seeds

    While Mr.Sir is filling up the Boy's canteens, Magnet sneaks around the back of the truck and steals a burlap sack of Sunflower Seeds. After Mr.Sir leaves in his truck the boys start passing around the sunflower seeds and they finally end up at Stanley. He regretfully drops them into a nearby holes. Mr.Sir starts to come back in his truck and the Stanley covers it with dirt. After Mr.Sir coimes back he discovers the bag and Stanley takes the blame for it. They are taken to the Warden.
  • Drought

    In the warden's office Mr.Sir waws slapped on the face while she had venom nailpolish on. After these events Mr.Sir deprived Stanley of water for a while.
  • Kate Barlow.

    Stanley suddenly realizes what the Initials on the gold tube stood for. "Kate/Katherine Barlow".
  • The Town of Green Lake

    We are introduced to the life of Katherine Barlow; a school teacher in the small town of Green Lake. She was expected to marry the son of the owner of the town of Green Lake Trout Walker. Instead she fell in love with the local onion farmer Sam. Since Sam was a black man it was 'unholy' for them to kiss or get married. the townspeople were inreaged and Trout murdered Sam. Kate turned into a feirce outlaw who robbed Stanley Yelnats the First.
  • Zero digging Stanley's Holes

    After Zero and Stanley's deal was in place the boys had started to notice that Zero was digging Stanley's hole for him. ZigZag starts overreacting and jokingly offers Stanley his cookie so ZigZag could dig his hole. Stanley refuses it but ZigZag insists. After a while a fight breaks out between Stanley and ZigZag. Mr.Pendanski tells Stanley to hit him back but Stanley does nothing. Zero then climbs out of the hole and starts choking ZigZag to near death. Squid tries to pry him off and Mr.P......
  • Zero digging CONT. (((RISING ACTION)))

    Shoots his gun in the air to stop the fight. He then gives Zero a shovel and tells him that "It's all he will ever be good for". Zero then procedes to say that "I ain't digging any more holes" and smacks Mr.Pendanski with the shovel. Zero drops the shovel and run away, heading towards the mountains in the distance. After this the Warden (Who was watching it all) then she harshley states that she still expects 7 holes.
  • Twitch

    Twitch came in place after Zero. He was given his nickname because he well twitches a lot. He teaches Stanley to hotwire cars. With this knowledge he hotwires Mr.Sir's water truck. He reluclently drives off in the direction Zero went in. Stanley is bringing him the water truck so Zero doesn't die of thrist. Soon after this Stanley crashes into a hole and the water is spilt everywhere. He then runs out of the truck and starts running towards where Zero went.
  • Mary Lou

    As Stanley is going across the dried up lake he comes across an old boat. INside he finds Zero who has been barley surviving. Zero has found several empty glass jars one of which was filled with a mushy substance that he called sploosh. Stanley and Zero drink this stuff and head on the Way to Big Thumb.
  • Big Thumb

    After a while they finally reach the Summit of Big Thumb. Zero starts to feel sick from the sploosh and starts to get weaker. About halfway up the mountain Zero starts to vomit up the contents of his stomache. Stanley dropps the shovel and the jars he was carrying and carries Zero up the rest of the mountain. Stanley soons begins to see weeds and bugs and relizes that where there is life there must be water. As they reach the top he finds a moist spot and starts digging. This soon uncovers an...
  • Big Thumb Cont

    underground water spout. He soon pours water on Zero's face and he wakes up a bit. As Stanley is exploring around the mountain he finds an onion and relizes that there are several onions around the mountain. He and Zero live off this food source.
  • Back to Camp

    When Zero and Stanley feel up to it they pack up several onions and fill their jars with water. They climb down Big Thumb and head for camp. Once they reach the Mary Lou Zero states that the abandon boat was off to the right when he was going towards Big Thumb by himself. so Stanley follows his lead and they eventually reach the edge of the camp. The saw it faintly in the distance and decide to hide/sleep in a hole until all the lights at camp went out.
  • The Treasure. (((CLIMAX)))

    Eventually every light at Camp Green Lake went out. Only one was on and it was by the Wardens office. Stanley and Zero snuck out of their holes and Stanley pointed out the one where he found the tube. Zero then states that he is going to go refill the water jars. Stanley starts digging and then realizes that Katherine Barlow would dig a wider hole instead of a super deep one. He then starts digging towards the sides to make them larger. Zero shows up and they eat some cereal that he stole.
  • The Treasure Cont.(((CLIMAX)))

    After a little more digging Stanley hits something with his shovel. He starts digging it up and discovers that it's the hidden treasure! He pulls it out and hands it to Zero. As this happens they here the warden. She congratulates them for finding it for her. While she is mocking him Several Yellow-Spotted Lizards climb onto them. This frightens everyone greatly and the Warden, Mr P, Mr.Sir and 3 other counslers just stand there watching them.
  • Stanley is free. (((FALLING ACTION)))

    Eventually Stanley's Lawer shows up and is very confused/angry at the counslers. The Warden's name is sort of revealed to be Ms.Walker. She quickly tells a lie about Stanley being delusional and that he stole her suitcase. Shortly after this small debate Zero reveals that there is a name on the box. It says STANLEY YELNATS. They climb out of the hole and are taken by the Lawer.
  • The End (((RESOLUTION)))

    Zero and Stanley are realesed from Camp Green lake. Squid told Stanley to call his mom that he was sorry.The 'curse' on the family is lifted. The Atoorney General closed down Camp Green lake and we find out that it was later turned into a Girl Scout Camp. Zero and Stanley got several thousand dollers from the suitcase they found and for Zero to hire a private team of investagators to find his mother. With the Money Stanley bought his family a house with a labratory underneath it for his dad.
  • Final Details

    In the End evrything turned out okay.
    The Warden sold her land and the curse was lifted and rain finally fell on Camp Green Lake after 100 years.
    Stanleys father discovered the cure for smelly feet the day after Stanley carried Zero up the mountains.