Hitlers Path: His Rise to Power

  • Hitler and the Treaty of Versailles

    Hitler and the Treaty of Versailles
    Coming home after the war, Adolf Hitler was alone with no comrads, no family and no job.
    After the Armistice was signed by the German Government they were then formanlly known as the Weimar Governement.
    The Treaty of Versailles proposed that Germany pay for the reparation of the post-war damage. The Weiman Goverment signed that treaty, and from them on were labled the November Criminals because they Hitler believed that Germany could have continued to fight.
  • GWP + Adolf Hitler = NSDAP

    GWP + Adolf Hitler = NSDAP
    Hitler was sent by the German Army to spy on the GWP.
    While spying, Hitler realized that the GWP's ideas were a lot similar to the German Armys.
    Hitler was present during one of the meetings of GWP. Someone from the crowd made a statement, and as he listened intently, Hitler disagreed on the point made. He got up and made a speech infront of the entire crowd.
    Hitlers charm brought in many members into the GWP which impressed the leaders.
    Hitler believed in German nationalism, and anti-semitism
  • Beer Plutsch Hall

    Beer Plutsch Hall
    The Beer Plutsch Hall was an attempt made by Hitler to gain power Germany.
    The attempt failed but gained the Nazi Party a lot of attention.
    Gustav Ritter von Kahr, who was the leader of the Bavarian Government, was hosting an evening at the pub. Hitler saw this as a perfect oppertunity to present his ideas.
  • Hitlers Trial

    Hitlers Trial
    After the Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler was arrested with charges of treason.
    Being smart, Hitler used the publicity from his trial to gain him popularity and press.
  • Mein Kampf

    Mein Kampf
    While imprisoned for 9 months (such a short time due to "good behaviour) Hitler wrote the book Mein Kampf.
    Hitler revealed himself to be Christian. He portrayed his Christianity in many ways.
    Example: Hitler wrote: "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.."
    Hitlers strong claims in his belief in God are greatly imbeded throughout the book.
  • The Election

    The Election
    On April 19th, the results for the election were:
    Hindenburg 53.0 percent
    Hitler 36.8 percent
    Thaelmann 10.2 percent
    Hitler was still not popular amoungst the Germans.
    After this election, Hitler and the Nazi Party were determined to bring down the power from the republic.
  • Government and Hitler

    Government and Hitler
    Hitler: Fuhrer of the Third Reich Chancellor
    On January 30, 1933, Hitler was appointed by President Hindenburg, Chancellor of Germany.
    Hitler was appointed because of the great depression between 1929-1933, because of his astonishing leadership skills and his ability to control a crowd.
  • The Reichstag Fire

    The Reichstag Fire
    On the evening of February the 27, 1933, Hitler recieved a call informing him that the Reichstag was on fire. Hitler later found out that the fire was caused by a communist named Marinus Van Der Lubbe. After hearing about this, Hitler ordered for the GCP (German Communist Party) to be hanged. However, the were not hanged. Though he pleaded innocent to communist actions, Marinus was found guilty and hanged on January 10th, 1934.
  • Finally at Power

    Finally at Power
    On March 5, 1933, Hitler was declared the sole dictator of Germany. He manipulated the German parliament into pass the Enabling Act, which made the Chancellor dictator of Germany.
    Hitler then held the most power and invaded Poland.
  • Night Of the Long Knives

    Night Of the Long Knives
    The Night of the Long Knives, aka "Operation Humming Bird", was the operation in which Hitler ordered the SS and SP to assassinate the leaders of the SA.