Philippoteaux   lamartine in front of the town hall of paris rejects the red flag

The French Revolution

  • Formal opening of the Estates General

    Formal opening of the Estates General
    Was an assembly created by the third state which not only did it fought against the whishes of the king but it also started the French Revolution
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    National Consituent Assembly

    This assembly took a very important role in the French revolution, being the one which represented the three states, the National Constitutent Assembly made important things such us writing the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizent, ended the Franco-German war and made this first legislature in France, although it was susppended for a time due to a crisis caused by a legal tender.
  • Tennis court of oath

    Tennis court of oath
    was a compromise between members of the National Assembly which swore not to separate until a constitution for France was formed, this ended absolute monarchy.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The conquer of the castle, which had been a jail for inocent people and people which did not suppor the political system of the age, by the revolutionary parisians, ended the old regime
  • The August Decrees

    The August Decrees
    Was a vote in the national Assembly which created 18 decrees which ended up feudalism and nobility privileges, the vote ended up 4-18
  • Declaration of the Rights Of Man and of Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights Of Man and of Citizen
    Document of the French revolution which was inspired by enlightement phylosophers, and established that all humans should be equally protected by the law, without giving importance to its social position
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    Legislative Assembly

    It was an assmebly which acted as a constitution, at first (with the condition that he will be head of state) Louis XVI accpeted this assembly, which in a first sight seem like a way out of all french problems with other countries, as now at least burgeosie had more power and it was not all absolutist, they thought allieances could be made,nevertheless after Louis XVI attemp to escape from France, this assembly ruled in France,Declaring the war on Austria and attaking the Tuileries palace.
  • The Assembly declares war on Austria

    The Assembly declares war on Austria
    This took place due to the attemp of Louis XVI to scape from Paris, as he tried to fligh until the Austrian border, hence the offer of the Austrian king Leopod II, because he was aware that if the French revolutions succed, it was highly probable that something similar happend to him, so he tried to take Louis XVI out of France, but he was spotted and time after, the Legislative assembly declared revolutionary war in Austria
  • The flight to Varennes

    The flight to Varennes
    A fail on Louis XVI plan of escaping the country with his family dressing up as russian nobels, he planned to reach the Austrian border, where he had a loyal following which would not try to kill him, that way he would be safe, nevertheless in his way out he was recognised and sent to prison, this event highly boosted the French revolution
  • Storming of the Tuileries

    Storming of the Tuileries
    By this time the possitions of Louis XVI was in danger, so Louis XVI's last bullet was to submit to the Prussian Commander again, this would led to the destructions of France, and French population knew it, and as the parliament did not made up their mind to depose Louis XVI, French population and National guards attaked the palace of the Tuileries
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    1 st French republic

    National convention made up of Girondins which took the example of the revolution in 1789 and started supporting all kind of revolutionary drench acts across Europe, this Montgnards supported the idea of Voltiere (liberty expression) and supported the burgeoise, thanks to this convention is that Louis XVI was executed, and ended a perdiod of terror set by French absolutist supporters leaders
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    After Louis XVI attemps to erradicate of escape the french revulotion, in the palace of Tuileries, correspondence of forgain powers were discovered, and because of that, he was was executed with a guillotine in the square of Louis XVI (now called the square of the french relovution), nine monthas later, his wife was executed the same way and in the same place
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    Hence he was an oppressor leader, a group of revolucionaries, whose headmaster was Napoleon Bonaparte, gave a putsch against the council, captured him and brought him to the guillotine, his execution sweepered France from a regin of terror which lasted for several years
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    Was a five man executive commite wich ruled France three years after the fall of the National convention, this constitution was not like the others, indivial rights depended on citizenship, nevertheless as the other one, it attemped to etsablish the separation of powers and intigrate the representative democracy, however it was destroyed by Napoleon Bonaparte
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    The Consulate

    Was the perdiod in which Napoleon Bonaparte established himself as head of the most authoritarian, autocratic and centralized republican goverment in France this period divided the goverment in three branches the Tribunate, the Corps and the Sénat, this type of goverment was voted and as Napoleon was the fauvorite he won, people felt that that the French goverment was again ruled by a real statement. This period is also known as the Napoleonic Empire, by thisend it became a militar dictatorship.
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    The Napoleonic era

    The 10 years time from when Napoleon Bonaparte had earned fame from the French revolution to the first abdication of Napoleon, starting with the Italian campaing, follow by the First consul of France, then he proclaimed himself emperor, after that it was the Battle of Austerliz, next the Treaty of Tislit,the Russian campaing, the German campaing and from here on it was the declane of Napoleon, his abdication, his exile, his lost battles among others.
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    The Empire

    It was the establishment of the French hegermony in Europe,also known as the Napoleonic Empire, this empire was ruled by Napoleon Bonaparte, and established the French hegermony in Europe by winning battles such us the Battle of Austerliz or the Battle of the Third Coalition, and it was not until the battle of Waterloo, thet this empire fell down and the Hegermony totally disapeard
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    This events was a naval battle between UK, Austria, Russia, Napoles and Sweden against Franco-Spanish flote in order to disove the franch military influence established by Napoleon Bonaparte in Europe, the war was won by the britanic admiral Hotario Nelson, and thanks to this the Britanic supremacy was established, nevertheless Nelson recived a gunshot during the battle and died
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    Also known as the Battle of the three emperors and Naopeons masterpice, this was the conflict which ended French wars against Prussia and Austria, firstly Napoleon Bonaparte defeated the Austrians in the town of Austerlitz, and a month later Austria singed the treaty of Pressburg, then Napoleon Bonaparte headed to the north to defeat the Prussian forces, French forces took a well position and flank the Prussian troops, taking several prisioners.
  • Battle of Leipzig

    Battle of Leipzig
    This was the most important battle which Napoleon Bonaparte lost against the army composed by Austria, Russia, Prussia and Sweden, this war was the begining of the defeat of the French hergermony in Europe, and one year later, the army previously said, invaded France, wich led to the exile of Napoleon, this battle is also known as the Batlle of the Nations.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    Was the battle that marked the defenetly decline of Napoleon bonaparte regim and with it the decline of french hegermony, after Napoleon came back from his exile he decided to attack Belgium in order to recover some territories, however he did not expect that the Prussian would join the british in defending waterloo, that combined with him not felling well that day, marked the final defeat of france, after this defeat, Napoleon was exiled again.