history of the internet

  • eveolution of internet

    1960 the evulotion of internet begins

    ASCII intergchanges
  • data use

    The control data corporation is made
  • ring ring

    The FCC supports carter freeing telephone timelines
  • protocal 10

    network patrol protacal is intruduced
  • Jimmy carter

    presidentail canidate Jimmiy carter starts running
  • "Internet"

    The word Ïnternet" is first used
  • DNS

    DNS is established
  • Virus

    A vuirus called Internet worm isshuts down for a breif time
  • President

    The white house establishes itś first website WWW.Whitehouse.gov
  • millions

    4.5 million people are using Internet
  • Burst

    The internet bubble burst starts