History uk

History of the Census and UK

  • First Census

    First Census
    The very first Census was taken in the UK. The population at that time was 9.3 million.
  • Age Groups

    This is the first year that the age of the population is measured.
  • Industry

    This was the first year that people's job types was recorded. For example manufacturing, retail, farming.
  • Door to Door Questioning

    Door to Door Questioning
    This year some 35,000 people were employed to go from door to door with a form and pencil to ask the public to fill out the census. This proved to be quite difficult as many people could not read or write.
  • Question Changes

    Question Changes
    This is the first year that the census asked for people's exact age, marital status, relationship to head of house, and birthplace.
  • Under aged workers

    Under aged workers
    The Census meant that Government were able to see what was happening in the country and took action - from 1860, boys under 12 years of age could not work underground unless they could read and write.
  • Medical Conditions

    People are already categorised as being 'deaf, dumb and blind'. This is the first year that people are also categorised as being a 'lunatic' or 'imbecile'.
  • Factory and Workshops Act

    Factory and Workshops Act
    Children under 10 years could no longer be employed in factories.
  • Number of rooms

    Number of rooms
    This is the first year that people are asked to comment on the number of rooms that they have in their house. This was because of fear that many people were living in cramped, 1 room houses.
  • Education

    From the census, it was decided that children needed education. As of this year, the Government introduced free education for all children up to the age of 11 years.
  • Local Councils

    Local Parish councils are set created to deal with running services.
  • 1901 Census

    The population stands at 32.5 million.
  • Technological Advances

    This is the year that the census was stepped up and brought into the modern world. They now used technology to sort the data using punched cards
  • Women Vote

    Women Vote
    A imited number of women are now able to vote
  • New Questions

    It is now that the census starts asking questions about where people work, and what edcualtional qualifications a person has.
  • Unemployment

    Unemployment reached a new high (after World War 1) of 2.5 million
  • No Census

    No Census
    There is no census this year because of the War.
  • Butler Act

    Butler Act
    The Butler Act of 1944 was introduced, meaning free education for all.
  • NHS

    The very first national health service was created.
  • London Olympics

    London Olympics
    London hosts the 1948 Olympic Games.
  • First census since the 2nd World War

    It was the first census to ask about household amenities (outside toilets) as Britain began to clear slums and rebuild housing after World War II. Questions about fertility and duration of marriage were reinstated.
  • Computer use

    Computer use
    This is the first year that a computer is used to process the results from the census.
  • Comprehensive Schools

    The Comprehensive school system is initiated.
  • Abortion and Homosexuality

    Abortion and homosexuality is legalised.
  • Economy

    Economic recession leads to a rise in unemployment again.
  • Census Population

    The population has risen to more than 52 million.
  • Religion

    A voluntary question about Religion was added to the census.