History Of Republican Party

  • Name formally adopted

    A state convention held in which abolitionists Free Soilers, Democrats, and Whigs agreed to name themselves Republicans. This was because they thought they were descendants from Thomas Jefferson's party.
  • Congressional Elections

    44 Republicans become elected to the House of Representatives. Others were elected to the Senate. This was a great beginning for the Republican Party.
  • First Republican National Convention

    At the first Republican National Convention Sen. John C. Fremont becomes nominated for presidency. He is the first candidate to be nominated by the Republican Party.
  • Second Republican national convention

    The Republican Party pledged to not extend slavery among other things. This resulted in the presidential nomination of Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Dominance era.
  • Republican Elephant

    In 1874 Thomas Nast depicted an elephant running scared in a cartoon. This, without knowing it, later became the symbol for the Republican Party which was accepted.
  • Rutherford B. Hayes

    He urged civil service reform and promised to remove federal troops from the south. This allowed the party to reunite and continue its dominance.
  • Protective Tariff

    Benjamin Harrison becomes nominated by the Republicans. He campaigned in favor for the tariff and won the election. Republicans pass Sherman Anti-Trust Act and McKinley Tariff Act.
  • Women's Suffrage

    The Republican Party was the first major political group to support the suffrage for women. 26 out of 36 state legislatures were under Republican control.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt becomes reelected and an era of regulatory legislation and conservation measures begin as well. After being elected by the Republican Party as vice president he was sworn in after McKinley's assasination.
  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover and his stirct Republican beleifs limited what he could do to alleviate the depression the country was in. His attempts were not enough and lost the presidency.
  • Roosevelt Alienates Democrats

    In an attempt to alienate conservative Democrats he made the Judiciary Reorganization Bill of 1937. Though he tried with his efforts he was unable to reorganize the Supreme court or federal courts.
  • Midterm Elections

    The Republicans cut down further the Democratic majority in the 1942 midterm elections.
  • Republicans control of congress

    In 1945 the Republicans gain control of Congress with Joseph William Martin, Jr. as the Speaker of the House.
  • Arlen Specter

    The Republican Party suffers a loss when Arlen Specter announces he will switch to the Democratic side.
  • Stimulus Package

    Barack Obama attempts to help economy recover with the 2009 Economy Stimulus Package. Republicans greatly dissaproved of this and view it as a failure.
  • Republicans win back control

    In the general election of november the Republicans take lead in the House of Representatives once again including some in the senate.