History of Psychology

  • 460


    Throughout history people thought confusion and bizzare behavior attribute from supernatural forces. Hippocrates suggested these problems were due to abnormalities of the brain.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    The Middle Ages

    The Middle Ages
    Europeans believed that problems (agitation, confusion, etc) were signs of possesion by demons. The water float test was put into practice. Indivisuals who were thought to be possessed were thrown into dep water. If they coul dkeep their heads above water, they were thought to be in league with the devil which led to execution. Those who sank to the bottom, were judged to be pure and drowned.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Nicolaus Coernicus

    Nicolaus Coernicus
    He challenged the view that the sun revolved around Earth, suggesting that Earth revolves around the sun.
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Sir Isaac Newton
    He formulated the laws of gravity.
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    He therorized that knowledge is not inborn but is learned from expirence.
  • Antoine Lavoisier

    Antoine Lavoisier
    He founded the science of chemistry and explained how animals and pants use oxygen in respiration.
  • Modern Pyschology

    Modern Pyschology
    1879 was the beggining of pyschology as a labratory science. Wilhelm Wundt established his labratory in Gernany.Structuralism is the basic elements of te concious expirence into two seperate catagories.
  • the Gestalt School/ Sigmund Freud and the School of Psychoanalysis

    the Gestalt School/ Sigmund Freud and the School of Psychoanalysis
    Perceptions are are that give shape or meaning to parts according to Gestalt. Freud founded psychonanalysis (unconcious motives and internal conflicts. He believed peoples behaviors were aimed at satisfying conflicts.
  • William James and Functionalism

    William James and Functionalism
    The Principles of Pychology is considered the first modern pysch textbook. James was one of the founders of the school of functionalism. Functionalism is a theory about the nature of mental states.
  • John B. Watson and Behaviorism

    John B. Watson and Behaviorism
    Watson believed psychology much concentrate on observable and measurable events. He defined psychology as the scientific study of observable behavior.
  • B. F. Skinner and Reinforcement

    B. F. Skinner and Reinforcement
    According to Skinner people learn in the same way animals do.
  • Biological and Cognitive

    Biological and Cognitive
    Biological- Believe our mental process-thoughts, fantasies, and dreams- are made possible by the nervous system, more importantly the brain cognitive- Role played by thoughts in determining behavior.

    Rooted in Socrates “Know Thyself.”
  • Humanistic and Psychonanalystic

    Humanistic and Psychonanalystic
    Humanistic- Focus on the human capacity for self-fulfillment and the importance of consciousness, self-awareness, and the capacity to make choices. Psychoanalystic- Unconscious forces on human behavior.
  • Learning and Sociocultural

    Learning and Sociocultural
    Learning- Emphasizes the effects of experiences on behavior. Sociocultural-
    Socioeconomic status
  • Plato

    Plato coined the phrase "know thyself". This phrase is still motto in the world of physchology today
  • Aristotle

    Aristole was one of Plato's Greek Philosphers. He argued that human behavior is subject to certain laws and rules. One universal law he believed was people are motivated to seek pleasure and avoid pain.