History of Egypt

By dxc6411
  • Egypt under the Muhammad Ali Dynasty

    Egypt under the Muhammad Ali Dynasty
    Egypt was under the Muhhamad Ali Dynasty from 1805 - 1953. It included Muhammad Ali's rise tto power, campaign against the Saudis, the first and second Arabian campaign, reforms, invasian of Lybia and Sudan, Ahmad Revolt, Greek campaign, and War with the Sultan.
  • Egypts Modernization

    Egypts Modernization
    Egypts Moderiuzation has been happening since Muhammad Ali's rule and his modernization plans that included a new army and a new map of Egypt.
  • Khadivate of Egypt

    Khadivate of Egypt
    In 1882 The Khadivate of Egypt becomes part of the British Sphere of Influence in the region, a situation that's conflicted with it's position as an autonous vassal state of the Ottom Empire.
  • British Protectorate

    British Protectorate
    In 1915 Egypt became a British Protectrate.
  • Egypt's Independece

    Egypt's Independece
    In 1922 Egypt reached full Independence, becoming a kingdom under Muhammad Ali's dynasty lasting untill 1952.
  • Egypt Revolution

    Egypt Revolution
    Gammal Abdal Nasser astablished a one party state known as The Republic Of Egypt following the 1952 Egyptian Revolution
  • Egyptian Republic

    Egyptian Republic
    On June 18, 1953, the Egyptian Republic was declared, with General Muhammad Naguib as the first President of the Republic.
  • Nasser's Rule

    Nasser's Rule
    Nasser evolved into a charismatic leader, not only of Egypt but of the Arab world, promoting and implementing "Arab socialism." When the United States held up military sales in reaction to Egyptian neutrality regarding the Soviet Union, Nasser concluded an arms deal with Czechoslovakia in September 1955.
  • United Arab Republic

    United Arab Republic
    In 1958 Egypt joined with the Republic of Syria and annexed the Gaza Strip, ruled by the All-Palestine Government, to form a state called the United Arab Republic. It existed until Syria's secession in 1961, although Egypt continued to be known as the UAR until 1971.
  • Presidential Inauguration

    Presidential Inauguration
    On 6 October 1981, President Sadat was assassinated by Islamic extremists. Hosni Mubarak, Vice President since 1975 and an air force commander during the October 1973 war, was elected President later that month. He was subsequently confirmed by popular referendum for three more 6-year terms, most recently in September 2005. The results of the referendums are however of questionable validity as they, with the exception of the one conducted in September 2005, listed only Mubarak as the sole candid