History of computers

By pacps4
  • the invention of logorithims

    .a scientist named John Napier invented logortihms, A way of doing multiplication through addition
  • the first gear driven time mechnasim

    .Made by a german professor named Wilhem Shikard. It was probaly a calculating clock
  • The Difference engine

    ,,The first automatic cumputing engine that does several numbers and pritns them automatecly. Invented be Charles Bubbage
  • the first programabl computer

    ,Invented by Konrad Zuse
  • Turning Machine

    ..Aleen Turning made a machine alot likevthe ones we use today. His principles are the foundation of computing principles
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    first digital computer

    ... called the a-b-c and made by Professor John Vincent Atanasoff. it was a eletric computervthat could do binary math and boolean logic
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    ..Tbe first fully functional digital computer. invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.
  • first business to order a computer

    . General Electric is the first business to order a computer. ( A American multinational conglomerate corporation.)
  • IBMs first commercial computer sold

  • the idea of the internet

    . Leonard Kleinrock came up with the idea after publishing a paper.
  • the internet anouced to public

    ..The University of California, Los Angeles puy out a press confernece on the internet.
  • The invention of the mouse

    ..Created by Douglas Engelbart while he was working at StanfordResearch Instatution.
  • First portable computer

    ,,IMB made its first portable computer
  • Dell

    ..Dell introdiced its first computer
  • Java inventtion

    ,A proggramming language.
  • First morcroprocessor

    ..Intel intoduces the first microprocessor.
  • First computer company

    ,,Founded by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly the same people who made ENIAC,