History Of Blood

  • Jan 1, 1200

    Pulmonary Circulation Discovered!

    Pulmonary Circulation Discovered!
    A physician named Eminent Cairo and an author named Ibn al-Nafis discovered and described the pulmonary circulation, how the blood flows to and from the lungs in the body.
  • Mar 29, 1553

    Galen's Theory

    blood flow through one side of the heart to the other.
  • Oct 8, 1555

    The Italian Andreas Vesalius

    Criticize Galen's Theory
  • Fabricius

    Anatomist publishes "On The Valves in Vains".
  • William Harvey

    British physician, William Harvey, published "An Atomical Treatise on the Movement of the Heart and Blood in Animals" explaining that blood circulates within the body and is pumped by the heart.
  • Marcello Malpighi

    Using a basic microscope, italian anatomist Marcello observes the capillary system, how the vessels connect the arteries and the veins.
  • Bood Transfusion

    French physician Jean-Baptiste Dennis tranfuses 9 ounces of lambs blood into a teenage boy who suffered from a fever.
  • Philadelphia Physician Phillip Gets Credit

    Phillip Syng Physick gets credit for performing the first human to human blood transfusion on a medical journal footnote, but his work has never been proven.
  • Karl Landsteiner

    Karl publishes a paper explaining his discovery of the three main blood groups "A,B,C" which was later changed to O.
  • Discovery of Blood Group AB

    Landsteiner's colleagues Alfred and Adriano discover a fourth blood group "AB' that causes clotting in the red cells of both blood grops "A" and "B".
  • Preventing clots!

    Researchers, Albert Hustin and Luis Agote, discovered that adding sodium citrate to blood will prevent from clotting. Published his findings in April.
  • Storing blood!

    Francis Peyton, Rous and J.R Turner developed citrate-glucose solutuion that allows blood to be stored for a few weeks after withdraw and still remain useful for transfusion.
  • Oswald Robertson

    Oswald collects and store type O blood with citrate-glucose soultion during Battle of Cambrai in WW1. He establishes the first blood depot.
  • Percy Lane Oliver

    Bgins operating a blood doner service outside of his home in London, volunteers are checked for diseases, tested for blood type, and names are collected so they can quickly be contacted when blood is needed.
  • "Blood Bank"

    Dr. Bernard Fantus makes up the word blood bank to describe blood donation, collection, and perservation facility.
  • Unknown antibody

    Drs. Levine and Stetson discover an unknown antibody in the blood of the woman who gave birth to a stillborn, come to the conclution that a factor in the blood of the fetus witch is inherated from the father, triggers it to be produced in the mother.
  • RH

    Drs. Landsteiner and Weiner discover the RH blood group by experimenting with the red blood cells of Rheses monkey.
  • Red Cross

    The American Red Cross a civilian blood service for the war effort, collects over 13 million untis of blood over the course of the war.
  • Pastic bag

    Dr. Carl W Walter develops the plactic bag for the collection of blood. Before this, Glass bottles were used to store blood, but they were too fragile and susceptable to contamination so he makes a stronger and more portable container with plactic, revolutionizes blood collection.
  • Hemoglobin

    Dr Max Pertutz unravils the protien within red blood cells that carries oxygen, known as Hemoglobin.
  • Hepatitis B

    Dr Baruch Blomberd indentifies a substance on the surface of hepatitis B virus that triggers the production of antibodys leading to the development that detects the presence of this virus so they can identify infected doners.

    The first cases of a syndrone called GRID are reported, thought to be related to gays (Gay-related Immunodeficiency diesese) later renamed AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome).
  • LAV

    Reserchers in france issolate virus that causes AIDS found in the swollen lympth node in the neck of pacient LAV (Lymphadenopathy-associated virus).

    Dr Robert Cayo anounces that the virus that causes AIDS has been identifyed witch he calls Human T-cell Lymphotropic virus.
  • Tests

    More tests are developed and enforced to people who are donating blood to make sure they are not infected and will not infect the patients.