History 8 Timeline Stephanie H

  • Period: Aug 3, 1492 to Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Columbus set sail from Spain and arrived at the island of Guanahani (Watling), with permissions from the monarchs of Spain (History Lessons).
  • 1509

    English Reformation

    When England broke away from the Catholic Church, under King Henry VIII, and started the Church of England because he wanted to divorce his wife (Puritan Settlement Notes).
  • Period: to

    The French and Indian War

    The war between the French allied with the Natives, and British colonies. They were fighting mainly because both sides wanted to have control of the Ohio River Valley (America: History of Our Nation).
  • Stamp Act

    British government passed an act so that colonists would have to buy a stamp for every piece of paper used (HA! Lesson 5 Sect. 2).
  • Boston Tea Party

    Sons as Liberty, disguised as Indians, dumped tea from the ships into the harbour to make a point that they didn't tolerate the unfair taxes and regulations.
  • Swivel Chair

    The first swivel chair is invented by Thomas Jefferson during the revolutionary war.
  • Cotton Gin

    A machine developed to separate cotton from the seeds much quickly and easily than a human can.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    The United States buys the Louisiana Territory from France for 15 million dollars under President Thomas Jefferson.
  • Steam Locomotive

    John Blenkinsop creates the first commercially successful steam locomotive.
  • Period: to

    Telegraph is developed

    The telegraph is developed by Samuel Morse and other inventors, making communication much faster and easier.
  • Invention of the Minié Ball

    Claude-Etienne Minie invents the minié ball which forever changes warfare for the future.
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    A law that was passed which made it so runaway were to be caught and returned to their owners.
  • Election of 1860

    Abraham Lincoln wins the election with less than 40% of the votes. This led to Southern secession.
  • Light Bulb

    Edison and the team invents many lightbulbs, and in Nov 1879 he files a patent for an electric carbon filament lamp.
  • Automobile is invented

    The first automobile was invented in Germany by Karl Benz
  • Zimmermann Telegram

    The British intercept a telegram going from Germany to Mexico, which offered Mexico help in reclaiming the Southwest lands of America such as Texas in the circumstance that the U.S. should get involved in the war (History Alive! Chapter 22 Sec. 4).
  • Sun Lamps

    Many German children had rickets, a condition when one does not get enough vitamin D, so the bones do not grow properly. Dr. Kurt Huldschinsky noticed that many of his patients were very pale, so he put them under mercury quartz lights that released ultraviolet light and discovered that their bones were getting stronger. These lamps eventually turned into sun lamps (www.bbc.com).
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    It limited the number of immigrants allowed into America through a national origins quota (Ethnic Neighbourhoods and Nativism Slides).
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki Are Bombed

    After a successful testing of the atomic bomb, Truman decides to drop the bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order to try and get Japan to surrender.
  • Invention of the Atomic Bomb

    The atomic bomb was developed by many scientists working together to invent it before the Germans did, under the name of "The Manhattan Project". Some of the scientists include Robert Oppenheimer, Leo Szilard, Ernest Lawrence etc. (History Alive! Chapter 36, Sec. 5).
  • Polio Vaccine

    The first vaccine for polio was developed by Jonas Salk (http://www.american-historama.org).
  • Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

    The U.S. signs a treaty with the USSR that both are forbidden to test nuclear weapons or explosions underwater, in the atmosphere or in outer space (Class Notes- The Cold War Ends).