Historical Perspectives in Psychology

  • 600 BCE

    The Greeks

    The Greeks
    Greek philosophers set the frame for psychology by discovering that human behavior was controlled more by our mind that by the Gods.Philosophers include Socrates and Aristitle
  • 1401

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    Refined approach of experimentation through observation.Contributors were Galileo and Copernicus
  • Dualism

    Dualism is the concept that our mind is more than just our brain. This concept entails that our mind has a non-material, spiritual dimension that includes consciousness and possibly an eternal attribute.Founded by René Descartes.
  • Inheritable Traits

    Inheritable Traits
    Founder-Francis Galton
    His writings questioned if behavior is determined by heredity or environment.Claimed genius trait ran in family
  • Evolutionary

    Founder- Charles Darwin
    Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest
  • Structuralism

    A method of interpretation and analysis of aspects of human cognition, behavior, culture, and experience that focuses on relationships of contrast between elements in a conceptual system that reflect patterns underlying a superficial diversity.Founded by Wilhelm Wundt.
  • Behavioral

    Founder-John B. Watson
    Product of experience
  • Functionalism

    Founder-William James
    In 1890, he published "the principles of psychology", which focused on the function of the mind and purpose of behaviors
  • Psychoanalytical

    Founder-Alfred Adler
    focuses on non conscious desires
  • Biological

    Founder-Michael G
    structure of the brain
  • Social-Culture

    Founder-Albert Bandiora
    Presence of other affect us
  • Cognitive

    Founder-Gustav Fechner
    Behavior is a result of thinking process
  • Humanistic

    Founder-Abraham Maslow
    Belief that everyone is inherently good