Health throughout the years

By dxc6639
  • Period: 400 to

    The Dark Ages weren't actually dark

    There were a lot of community efforts in the Dark Ages, people who got sick weren't shunned or outcasted, they were taken by by their friends and family to a place of healing. Religion helped path a path for future medication, but people didn't put blind faith in Gods like they used to, instead, they thought that spiritual goodness was key to having a healthy body.
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    Jewish Medicine

    Jewish Medicine
    The Jews used prayer in medicine, but say the physician as God's instrument, which caused them to invest in medical research.
    The jews are also respinsible for recording and translating many ofther societies' medical practices.
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    Physicians and the various "Gods of Healing" became linked. Medical treatments that he approaved of would be used as medical textbooks for generations to come.
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    5th Century BCE

    In the 5th century, people believed that God had the ability to heal warriors in their sleep after a deadly battle.
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    Egyptian Medicine

    Egyptian Medicine
    They saw illnesses as a possession or cuse and mostly tried to cure it with spells and prayers. They also had bloodletting because they thought sickness was caused by bad blood, but bloodletting was practiced more in the Roman era,
  • Jan 26, 600

    Greek Era

    Doctors in Ancient Greece believed that the woman's womb was a separate entity and had a mind of its own. Doctors believed that you had an equal amount of black bile, blood, yellow bile, and phlegm, and if you had too much of one substance, you would feel ill. To solve this, they let leeches suck out extra blood from your body in an attempt to balance out the substances.
  • Jan 26, 650

    Roman Era

    Roman Era
    There was a strong Greek influence on the arts of Roman Medicine, Surgical tools were crude verions of today's scalpels, forceps and catheters. You had no "pain-killers", and no disinfectant, you you would have to bear with the pain and possible infection, IF you survived the surgery.
  • Period: Jan 27, 1350 to

    Renaissance Period

    The Renaissance was a great period of intellectual growth and artistic development in Europe. Knowledge advanced through the scientific method. Information was obtained by means of an printing. The roots of scientific medicine were set.
  • Jan 27, 1501

    16th Century

    16th Century
    People believed that God implanted the soul 40 days after the creation. They also believed that the soul controlled the growth and development of the body itself.
    They also believed that women were imperfect versions of men.
    Physicians rarely touch the patient, except for checking for their pulse, or for a fever.
  • 17th Century

    Chinese people had used special medicines that came from certain herbs, which had been brought to Europe through trading. Bloodletting was still used in this century, except through leeches, where they were attached to the person's skin for a set time, in an attempt to suck the sickness out. Also, they believed that if your prayed enough, God would elevate the sickness from your body.
  • 18th Century

    Homepathy- a system of treatment involving a dosage of drugs who's effects resemble the sickness being treated, but not really. In 18th century London, the leading surgeons and doctors were all Scottish.
  • Period: to

    19th and 20th century

    In 1848, Buchan's Domestic Medicine helped people by showing the symptoms of small pox, scarlet fever, and measles.
    Treatments relied on a "change of air", or a relocation of the sick person.
    The number of dentists and doctors rose drastically in 1901, which helped save lives and treat patients.
    James Conolly and Henry Maudsley helped change the mental illness field.
  • Period: to


    In 1900 - 1945, there were 2 world wars, medicine advanced majorly during this period of time in two sections, military and psychological. Military medicine was used in the treatment of wounds normal gained in battle, such as shrapnel cuts, bullet wounds, blood loss and missing limbs. Psychological medicine was advanced due to the high amounts of soldiers with PTSD, also known as "shell shock".
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    1945 - 1975

    In the year of 1945, the first vaccine for influenza is created. In 1964, and 1967, the vaccine for both measles and mumps are discovered.
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    1975 to Present Dat

    1992- first vaccine for Hepatitis A is discovered 2007- scientists figure out how to use skin cells to recreate stem cells
  • Period: to Jan 27, 1400

    Middle Ages

    Medicine was surrounded in superstition. The Roman Catholic Church dominated what direction the medical world went. Any views different from the established Roman Catholic Church view could steer them towards heresy with the punishments that were given. Much praying and fear arose from the black death and people feared medicine so they tended not to use it.