Growth Of American Industury

  • 1895

    in saint petersburg russian scientist axelander stepanovich popov demonstartes to russian physical chemical society his invention the worlds first radio reciever. in the formor soviet union the anniversary of this day is celebrated as radio day
  • 1896

    1st movie theather in US opens' charging 10 cents for admission.
  • 1898

    first practical submarine submerges NYC for hour 1 hour and 40 minutes
  • jan 28th 1902

    jan 28th 1902
    Carnegie Institute was founded in Washington D.C.
  • .april 26 1904

    .april 26 1904
    bell telephone company of antwerp belgium forms
  • july12th 1909

    july12th 1909
    16th amendment was approved on july 12th 1909 which allows government to levy an income tax
  • aug 24 1912

    aug 24 1912
    United States passes the anti-gag law , federal law employees tight to petition government
  • june 21st 1915

    june 21st 1915
    the u.s. supreme court hands down its decision in guinn v. united states 238 us 347 1915 striking down an oklahoma law denying the right to vote to some citizens