
  • 808 BCE


    Macedonia the leader of Macedonia was Gjorge Ivanov. What was Macedonia largest and second most populous Greek region, dominated by mountains in the interior and the port cities of Thessaloniki. It is located northern central Greece. Macedonia was founded 808 BC. was first inhabited by the Mackednoi tribe who, according to Herodotus, were the first to call themselves 'Hellenes'. Then later gave the land there name.
  • Period: 490 BCE to 480 BCE


    Conflict between Greece and Persia in the 5th century BCE which involved two invasions by latter in 490 and 480 BCE. Famous and significant battles were fought at Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis, and Plataea which would become legendary. Achaemenid Empire of persia and Greek city state that started 499 BC and lasted until 449 BC. These city states rebelled against their Persian rulers. This rebellion started the Persian wars along a series of battles between the Greeks and the Persians.
  • Period: 480 BCE to 404 BCE

    The Golden Age

    The Golden Age in Athens Fifth century in Athens is the greek city state of Athens in the time from 480-404 BC. This was the period of Athenian political hegemony, economic growth and cultural flourishing in the Golden Age under leadership of pericles. The earliest attested reference to the European myth of the Ages of Man 500 BC-350 BC appears in the late 6th century BC works of the Greek poet Hesiod's Works and Days 109-126. The significance were that later there was an age of pericles.
  • Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE


    Peloponnesian Wars was an ancient Greek war fought by the Delian League against the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta.The cause of this was Athenian control of the Delian League, the vast naval alliance that allowed it to dominate the Mediterranean Sea. The Peloponnesian war was in Ancient Greece and sicily was where it was fought at.The Peloponnesian was on April 25, 431-404 BC. Significance was the struggle for power between the ancient Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta.
  • Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE


    Sparta was a warrior society in ancient Greece that finally reached the height of its power after defeating rival city state Athens in the peloponnesian war (431-404 B.C).They did this because Athens became the leader of the Delian League, they became the supreme power known as the Athenian Empire. This resulted in a war, known as the 'The First Peloponnesian War' fought between Athens and Sparta. Significance was that the defeat against the Athens which was amazing in history.
  • 430 BCE

    The Plague in Athens

    Plague in Athens the second year in Peloponnesian war 430 BCE, an outbreak of Plague erupted in Athens.The illness would persist throughout scattered parts of Greece and the eastern Mediterranean until 426 BCE. When Athenian victory still seemed within reach. DNA examination of ancient dental pulp incriminates typhoid fever as a probable cause of the Plague of Athens. The significance were a plague struck the city of Athens, which was then under siege by Sparta during the Peloponnesian War
  • 356 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great was born on the sixth day of the ancient Greek month of Hekatombaion, which probably corresponds to 20 July 356 BC, Alexander III of Macedonia. He was King of Macedonia and conqueror of the Persian Empire. He is considered one of the greatest military geniuses of all time. Alexander the Great came from Pella, Greece and ruled king of macedon. He died June 323 BC. Panhellenic project to lead the Greeks in the conquest of Persia.
  • 322 BCE


    Athens became the leading city of Ancient Greece, with its cultural achievements laying the foundations for Western civilization. Athens was founded, when the king Theseus united in a state several settlements of Attica. The first settlement in Athens was 3000 BC Athens lasted 186 years, and finally ended 322 BC. The cause of Athens were because of infectious diseases Fever, smallpox, and measles. Significance were that modern life and thought would become infinitely the poorer.