
Grade 9 : World History

By pj2236
  • 563

    Siddarth Gutama

    Siddarth Gutama
    Siddartha Gautama (The Buddha) lived 563 BCE to 483 BCE;
    Siddhartha Gautama was a Prince in Nepal 2500 years ago. After his birth a man foretold that he would be a great king or a great philosopher. So his parents kept him in the house and gave everything he wanted, so he would not leave. However this plan failed. He left his home and went around seeking the answer on why people suffered. He believed that if he suffered as well, he would find the answer. He is now known as the Buddha.
  • Jun 12, 1020

    King Solomon - 1020 to 920 B.C.

    King Solomon - 1020 to 920 B.C.
    King Solomon Reigned During the Glory Days of Israel. Solomon had the unique and distinctive privilege and opportunity to be king over 12 united tribes of Israel at its zenith, the short-lived glory days of Israel. God blessed Solomon with wisdom and understanding, and exalted him in the sight of Israel. His wisdom quickly became known worldwide and his wealth exceeded all the kings in the world. Solomon spoke 3,000 proverbs, wrote 1,005 songs, the book of Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon.
  • Jan 11, 1279

    Torah - 1280 B.C.E

    Torah - 1280 B.C.E
    Most of what we know about the early history of the Hebrews is contained in the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. Jews call these books the Torah and consider them the most sacred writings in their tradition. Christians respect them as part of the Old Testament. For more information go to:
  • Nov 17, 1391

    Moses - 1391 B.C.

    Moses - 1391 B.C.
    Moses was prophet of God used mighty by God to bring Israel out of captivity, communicate the commandments to the people of Israel, and lead them through the wilderness. He was the administrator of the Old Testament, were Jesus is the administrator of the New Testament. For more information go to:
  • Dec 1, 1500


    The Minoans were a powerful sea faring people. They lived on Crete, which is an island in the Aegean Sea; the Aegean Sea is located west of Turkey and southeast of Greece. The Minoans lived and dominated Crete from around 3000 BC to 1500 BC.The Minoans dominated trade in the Eastern Mediterranean. They had a deep culture in the arts. They are assumed to be a peaceful people. Some believe that the natural disasters that had struck the Minoans in their last years is what led to their downfall.
  • Dec 19, 1513

    Ten commandments - 1513 B.C

    Ten commandments - 1513 B.C
    The Ten Commandments are ten laws in the Bible that God gave to the nation of Israel shortly after the exodus from Egypt. The Ten Commandments are essentially a summary of the 613 commandments contained in the Old Testament Law. The first four commandments deal with our relationship with God. The last six commandments deal with our relationships with one another.
  • Jainism - 2000 AD

    Jainism - 2000 AD
    The same period of speculation reflected in the Upanishads
    also led to the rise of two other religions: Jainism and Buddhism. Mahavira, the founder of Jainism, was born about 599 B.C. and died in 527 B.C. Mahavira believed that everything in the universe has a soul and so should not be harmed.Jain monks carry the doctrine of nonviolence to its logical conclusion.They sweep ants off their path and wear gauze masks over their mouths to avoid breathing in an insect accidentally.
  • Phoenicians

    The Phoenicians were an ancient people that came from what is now Lebanon.They spread out to form a great empire, mostly through trade and colonisation. Among some of the cities they founded are Marseilles in France. Later a colony in what is today called Tunisia (at a city called Carthage) became the centre of the empire. It was then called the Punic empire. For more information to go:
  • King David

    King David
    David was a great Israelite king who reigned for forty years in the first part of the tenth century BCE. According to this account, he made great conquests, creating an empire that stretched from the Euphrates River all the way to Egypt. Biblical tradition says that David founded a dynasty that continued uninterrupted in Judah until the Babylonian conquests. He became so important in Jewish tradition that many of the psalms were eventually attributed to him.
  • Magadha Kingdom

    Magadha Kingdom
    It was an ancient kingdom of India, situated in what is now west-central Bihar state, in northeastern India. It was the nucleus of several larger kingdoms or empires between the 6th century BC and the 8th century AD.The early importance of Magadha may be explained by its strategic position in the Ganges River valley, enabling it to control communication and trade on the river. The river further provided a link between Magadha and the rich ports in the Ganges delta.
  • Knossos

    Archaeologists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries excavated Knossos, the Minoan capital city. There, they found the remains of an advanced and thriving culture. It must have been a peaceful one as well, since Minoan cities did not seem to need fortifications to protect them. The archaeologists named the civilization they found in Crete Minoa after King Minos. <a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knossos' >For more information
  • Abraham father of Israel

    Abraham father of Israel
    In the Torah, God chose Abraham to be the “father” of the Hebrew people. Abraham was a shepherd who lived in the city of Ur, in Mesopotamia. The Book of Genesis tells that God commanded him to move his people to Canaan. Around 1800 B.C., Abraham, his family, and their herds made their way to Canaan. Then, around 1650 B.C., the descendants of Abraham moved to Egypt. For more information go to:
  • Hinduism 5500 - 2600 B.C

    Hinduism 5500 - 2600 B.C
    Hinduism is a collection of religious beliefs that developed slowly over a long period of time. Some aspects of the religion can be traced back to ancient times. In a Hindu marriage today, for example, the bride and groom marry in the presence of the sacred fire as they did centuries ago. The faithful recite daily verse from the Vedas. For more information about Hinduism go to:
  • King Saul - 962 to 922 B.C.

    Saul, the first king of Israel, was chosen largely because of his success in driving out the Philistines from the central hills of ancient Palestine. Saul is portrayed in the Bible as a tragic man, who was given to bouts of jealousy. For more information go to: