Pretty lady

gov project part 2

  • 13th admendment

    13th admendment
    an amendment stating that slavery isn't okay in the united states and no one can force you into it unless as a punishment and thus has to fall under the no cruel or unusual punishment amendment.
  • Dred Scott v stanford

    Dred Scott v stanford
    a man tried to get away from his slave owner by going to a free state but he was ruled as property instead and lost the case
  • plessy v ferguson

    plessy v ferguson
    a law stating you cant segregate public places unless they are equal in quality with the statement "separate but equal" being the most well-known from the case. you can still have segregated places. they just have to be the same amount of nice-ness
  • brown v board of education

    brown v board of education
    segregating schools isn't cool even if they are equal in quality. a new law stated that segregating schools was unconstitutional and was thus abolished
  • civil rights act of 1964

    civil rights act of 1964
    no one can take away your rights as a person based on what you look like or gender and forbade discrimination
  • voting rights act of 1965

    voting rights act of 1965
    this act is what prompted the 15th amendment to be made and stated that you have the right to vote no matter what you racially identify as
  • reed v reed

    reed v reed
    a ruling by the supreme court saying that you cant name someone in a way that discriminates between the sexes. meaning a law cannot state a 'woman cannot' or 'a man can' do something based soly on gender
  • title IX

    title IX
    You can now have an education no matter what your sex is! this amendment states that no matter your gender identity you can't be stopped from going to school because of it.
  • regents of the university of california v. bakke

    regents of the university of california v. bakke
    a new law stating that race can be used in the admission process of a university. though meeting race quotas are unconstitutional schools are more encouraged to enroll more minorities
  • american disabilities act

    american disabilities act
    a law stating you can't discriminate against anyone for their disabilities. meaning you can't stop someone from getting a job or going to school because of a dissabilty they might have.
  • 14th amendment

    14th amendment
    if you're a citizen a state cannot make any laws that can deny a person of their rights or life liberty and property without due justice
  • 15th amendment

    15th amendment
    citizens have the right to vote and that can't be taken away because of past voting or what you racially identify as
  • 19th amendemnt

    19th amendemnt
    people are allowed to vote no matter what their sex is and this amendment enforces it. after a long time of fighting for woman's rights to vote we finally did it.
  • obergefell v. hodges

    obergefell v. hodges
    a case that stated gay marriage was completely legal because of the 14th amendment due process clause and equal protection clause and required all states to issue same sex marriage licences