

  • Thirty-Years War

    Thirty-Years War
    The war started when Ferdinand II attempted to restrict religious activities of his people. I started as a protest but soon turned into a war that lasted 30 years. It involved most of Europe in Germany. Soon with a number of treaties the war was ended. This was important to Germany's history because it completly reformed Euorpe.
  • Frances 2 tries to destroy Holy Roman Empire

    Frances 2 tries to destroy Holy Roman Empire
    This event happened when German areas were annexed to France. Germany later participated in the Confederation of the Rhine and once they joined the Confederation declared that the Holy Roman Empire shouldn't exist but Germany later backed out. This is important to Germany's history because they were not going to join that federation.
  • Battle of Leipzig

    Battle of Leipzig
    The Battle of Leipzig was a battle with Russia against France with Germany. This was a battle of France trying to invade Russia with Germany helping. There were many men involved from Germany which fought in this and was the biggest battle until World War One. Germany soon lost this war. This is important to Germany's history because this did not make Germany allies with Russia and worsened their relationship.
  • SDP Formed

    SDP Formed
    The SDP was made from two different group called the General German Workers' Association and the Social Democratic Workers' Party. This did anger some countries and people but very little. This is important to Germany's history because this is there new type of party.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    World War One is a very essential part of Germany's history. It was fought in Germany and started by Archduke Franz Ferdinand being assassinated. Many countries fought in this War which is why it was called "World" war. This war was mainly in trenches but some in the air. This is important to Germany's history because of the war happening in Germany from cities being destroyed and more bad relationships.
  • Germany Depression

    Germany Depression
    This event was a very big disaster to Germany's Government because their economy completely fell apart. It started when America's economy fell apart and Germany's followed because of America having the best economy . The main reason Germany suffered was from World War One. This is important to Germany's history because of the amount of people who lost their jobs and change in economy.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    World War 2 was started when Britain claimed war on Germany. The world was also pulled in to fight in this war. World War 2 was in Germany, in the air, and at sea. This was another major event that happened in this time period. This is important to Germany's history because of another devestation of war.
  • Germany's Divivsion

    Germany's Divivsion
    When Germany was divided it was a very big deal at the time. It was divided after the second World War between the U.S., Britain, Russia and France. It was divided because we wanted to be sure that Germany would not start another World War. This is important to Germany's history because Germany could not make a lot of decsions and did not have a lot of power.
  • West Germany joins N.A.T.O.

    West Germany joins N.A.T.O.
    This event happened when the cold war started with the U.S. This was if Russia would fire...
    This is important to Germany's history because ...
  • Berlin Wall is torn down

    Berlin Wall is torn down
    The Berlin Wall was put up during the Cold War so no one could leave the city or step away from East Germany's Government. Most people and countries did not agree with this, especially the U.S. which made more tension with Germany. This is important to Germany's history because it soon decreased the relationship with Russia.