gay rights timeline

  • Los Angeles, gay rights

    Los Angeles, gay rights
    In Los Angeles, gay rights activist Harry Hay founded America’s first national gay rights organization.He is know for helping to found several gay organizations to try to change the publics perseption homosexuality and to also to try to make homosexuals apart of regual everyday society
  • Eisenhower signs

    President Dwight Eisenhower signs order to ban homosexuals from working for the federal government or any private contractor associated with the government
  • no longer an illness

    The board of the American Psychiatric Association votes to remove homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses
  • greenwich riot

    Patrons of the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village riot when police officers tried to raid the popular gay bar around 1am.
    wich cause a three day right between angy police officers who didnt agree with homosexuality and was trying to get it out of the neighborhood at the time the the bar was owned by mafia who was famous for kinda mixed group of people they had there from gay to straight and also drag queens
  • gay pride parade

    gay pride parade
    one-year anniversary of the Stonewall riots fowling that a majoritys of the lgbt community marched threw newyork to central park wich is wat now is know as the first gay pride parade wich happens every year and goes pass the stonewall inn they calabrage gay pride and have parades all over the words promoting and sopporting homsexuality
  • kathly 1st openly in public office

    Kathy Kozachenko became the first openly gay American elected to public office on the Ann Arbor, Michigan City Council
  • march for gay and lesbian rights

    An estimated 75,000 people participate in the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights. LGBT people and straight allies demand equal civil rights and urge for the passage of protective civil rights legislature.
  • no discrimation

    The Democratic Rules Committee states that it will not discriminate against homosexuals. At their National Convention on August 11-14, the Democrats become the first political party to endorse a homosexual rights platform.
  • dont ask dont tell

    dont ask dont tell
    U.S. Militaryis prohibeted from discuding anybody based on their sexual orientation. Anybody wanting to joining the army will not be asked or expect to tell there sexual orientation but still expects applicants not to engage in any homosexual acts or saying that he or she is a homosexual so basically if you were openly gay you were no allowed to sever in the army but if you were and dint tell you could
    This policy is known as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell.".
  • defense of marriage

    President Clinton signs the Defense of Marriage Act into law. It passes both congess ouses by large majoritys .The law defines marriage as a legal union between a man and woman and dont require them to reconize any homosexual marriages from other states.Clinton and key legislators have changed their views and advocated DOMA's repeal.Section 3 of DOMA has been found unconstitutional in eight federal courts
  • gay marriage legalize in masschusetts

    Massachusetts became the first state to legalize gay marriage.

    The logo cable channle hosted the first pridential form forcusing on LGBT ISSUES
  • realed the dont ask dont tell

    They repeal the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the U.S. Military.
  • ny largest state to legalize marriage

    New York State passes the Marriage Equity Act, becoming the largest state t to legalize gay marriage.