Once again

Gay Adoption Rights

  • Discovering Gay Adoption

    Discovering Gay Adoption
    Adoption has stayed around for many years, but only has the question of gay adoption. The first television movie to depict a gay dad, who comes out to his teenage son and living with a partner. Issues have arise concerning the teenage boys future.
  • It starts right now...

    It starts right now...
    Sandy and Madeleine's Family becomes the first US documentary about a lesbian headed family also Colorado court issues the country’s first known opinion involving a transgender parent, upholding his right to retain child custody.
  • Lesbian Rights Act

    Lesbian Rights Act
    During this time period, Lawyers Donna Hitchens and Roberta Achtenberg in San Francisco form the Lesbian Rights Project (LRP), which evolves into the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), still helping LGBT parents (and others) today. Many opposed this law, however they successfully did it.

    A group of youth with LGBT parents meets at a conference organized by a precursor to the Family Equality Council, and begins the organizing that in 1999 leads to Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere COLAGE, as an independent national organization.The National Center for Lesbian Rights or most likely the NCLR wins one of the nation’s first court custody battles for a parent with AIDS on behalf of Artie Wallace, a gay dad whose son was kidnapped by his ex-wife.
  • Obama's point of view

    Obama's point of view
    First explicit mention of same-sex parents in a presidential proclamation. In announcing Sept. 28 as Family Day, President Obama says, “Whether children are raised by two parents, a single parent, grandparents, a same-sex couple, or a guardian, families encourage us to do our best and enable us to accomplish great things.”