Mahatma gandhi1

How Gandhi helped India Gain Independence

By 4812
  • First Indian revolution

    Called Sepoy Mutiny
  • India comes unedr direct rule of the british crown afer failed indian mutinity

  • Gandhi was born in Porbandar, India

  • First meeting for the indian national congress

    was in Bombey
  • Gandhi is Ejected from a South African Train, Motivating Him to Fight for Indian Rights in the British Colony

  • Lord Curzon, British Viceroy, resigns

    Lord Curzon, British Viceroy, resigns
  • Formation of Muslim League

  • Gandhi is Arrested for the First Time, for Refusing to Carry an Obligatory ID Card in South Africa

  • Gandhi and assistant Magnlal agitate for better working conditions and abolition of indentured servitude in South Africa

  • Spanish Influenza epidemic kills 12.5 million in India

  • Brigadier Dyer orders Gurkha troops to shoot unarmed demonstrators in Amritsar, killing 379.

  • Massacre convinces Gandhi that India must demand full independence from oppressive British Christian rule.

  • Gandhi leads the congress; strategy of noncooperation and nonviolence against India's Christian British rulers.

  • Gandhi Begins Twenty-One Day Fast in an Attempt to Reconcile Hindus and Muslims

  • Salt March, Gandhi Leads civilians to protest British rule in India.

    Salt March, Gandhi Leads civilians to protest British rule in India.
    Lasted from March ti April
  • The Governemnt of India act recives Royal assent

  • Mohammed Ali Jinnah calls for a separate Muslim state.

  • Pakistan emerges as a separate Islamic nation, and 600,000 die in clashes during subsequent population exchange of 14 million people between the two new countries.

  • India gains independence from Britain

  • Gandhi was assassinated in New Delhi, India

    Gandhi was assassinated in New Delhi, India