Mahatma gandhi  275  t 600x600 rw


By steve23
  • Gandhi in England

    Gandhi in England
    Gandhi moved to England to study law at the age of 19. He then tried to set up a law practice back in India.
  • Gandhi in South Africa

    Gandhi in South Africa
    After failing and creating a law practice in India, Gandhi joined an Indian law firm in South Africa. Many Indians settled in South Africa trying to find better oppoturnities, but many ended up poor.
  • Gandhi returns to India

    Gandhi returns to India
    Gandhi returns to India with satayagraha ( soul-force) idea. He then joined the congress party. Gandhi's soul-force was his weapon of nonviolent resistance. It inspired many Indians, as well as, encourage them to resist British rule.
  • Nonviolence

    Along with Gandhi's satyagraha idea he also encouraged the ancient doctrine of ahimsa. This was a nonviolence and reverenced for all life. By using the power of love, Gandhi believed he and his followers could convert British of their wrong doings toward India.
  • Civil Disobedience

    Civil Disobedience
    Gandhi was inspired by Henry David Thoreau idea of civil disobedience. This was the refusal to obey unjust laws. Along with civil disobedience Gandhi believed in democracy and nationalism. He was trying to get equality for untouchables and also in India's caste system.
  • Amritsar massacre

    Amritsar massacre
    A large group of peaceful Indians met in a courtyard and British soldiers, led by General Reginald Dyer commanded his men to shoot at them. 379 were killed, and 1,100+ were wounded.
  • Period: to

    India independence Movement!

  • Boycotts of British Goods

    Boycotts of British Goods
    Gandhi believed gettting rid of the western culture would help his movement. Gandhi wanted India to go back to its old culture. Gandhi and his followers boycotted British goods. He wanted his followers to wear only cotton grewn and woven in India. Gandhi wanted to restore the nationalism of the Indians. Eventually these protests lead to riots. This was not what Gandhi intended.
  • Trouble over Salt

    Trouble over Salt
    Britain had a huge control over the Salt trade in India. Ghandi was very against Britain's salt monopoly. Indians could only buy the salt for their seas from the British, they could not harvest it themselves. Gandhi wrote a letter to the British viceroy explaining his beliefs and view points of Britain.
  • Salt March Begins

    Salt March Begins
    Gandhi set out for a 240 mile walk to again attension. As he walked he spread his ideas to the villages. Gandhi started out with 78 followers, but ended up with thousands.
  • Salt March Ends

    Salt March Ends
    The whole world was aware of Gandi's Salt March it was in news papers around the world. Gandhi walked into the surf to get a piece of sea salt. He was soon arrested for it, but soon after many Indians began to do the same. Some came to selling the sea salt. Thousands of Indians were being arrested for their civil disobedience.
  • The Salt March Legacy

    The Salt March Legacy
    The Salt March became very common in newspapers around the world. Many of these newspapers were against Britain. People began to realize of Britains wrong doings in India. Britain offiicials still kept arresting Indians who were following Ganhi's steps.
  • Separate Muslim State

    Separate Muslim State
    There were many Muslims and Hindu together in the Congress party. They all wanted the same thing, but there were often disputes that were raised over religious beliefs. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a muslim in the Congress Party, but eventually felt that there should be a separate Muslim State. He would call this Pakistan (land of the pure).
  • Start of WWII

    Start of WWII
    India was frightened that Britain would force the Indians to fight in the new world war. Many nationalists started campaigns in order to avoid this. They were not successful and were placed in jail.
  • End of WWII

    End of WWII
    India finally got their independence from Britain. There was much violence in the sub-continent between Hindus and Muslims
  • Muhammad Ali Jinnah

    Muhammad Ali Jinnah
    A leader of the muslims in the conflict between Hindus and Muslims. He believe that Muslims should have their own country. Muhammad would want to call it Pakistan.
  • Two States

    Two States
    Due to riots, Great Britain felt it was necessary to create two countries. Pakistan and India. India was the home for the Hindu while Pakistan was created for the Muslims. Great Britain felt this would help realize some of the tensions between the two religions.
  • Tragedy Unfolds

    Tragedy Unfolds
    Hindus and Muslims fought near the borders. Each of the two religions tried entering the other's country and millions of deaths were caused because of the conflict.
  • Gandhi's Death

    Gandhi's Death
    Gandhi was horrified by the conflict between the two religions. In an effort to resolve the conflict, Gandhi returned to satyagraha. While there a Hindu shot Gandhi causing his death.This made tensions even worst.