
French Revolution Timeline

By JaggerD
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Great Fear

    Great Fear
    This event started the French Revolution. There was an uprising of peasents against French armed forces. The peasents armed themselves and fought back.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The third estate was locked out of a meeting and in responce they met in the tennis court. They made an oath that acted as a revolutionary act and a new sing of political authority.
  • Fall of Bastille

    Fall of Bastille
    The third estate wanted Bastille to surrender and to give up arms and ammunition. They refused and the mob began to attack untill they captured Bastille from the French officials.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man
    this was adopted by the National Assembly and was the first step torwards creating a constitution. This document included the rights of men and government as well as some laws. This declaration left out slaves and women.
  • Women March on Versailles

    Women March on Versailles
    This march was a bunch of organized shopping women who were outraged with the price of bread. They marched to Versailles where they were sure the queen had plenty of bread and ordered her to come with them back to Paris. The women wanted the well off royal family to see the conditions and regular life of everyday French citizens.
  • Civil Constitution of Clergy

    Civil Constitution of Clergy
    This law was made against the churches of Franch. It banned all property nd siezed the property of the churches. Also it had effect on the religious views/ practices.
  • The Royal Escape

    The Royal Escape
    The royal family was taken captive in Paris. They tried to escape but were later recongized and recaptured. This very much angered the French people.
  • Declaration of Pilnitz

    Declaration of Pilnitz
    This declaration stated the Austria would go to war if and only if all the other European power countries also went to war with France. The National Assembly took this as a declaration of war and this sparked anger in them.
  • Constitution of 1791

    Constitution of 1791
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man was used as the preamble. The constitution showed the ideas of revolution.
  • Creation of National Convention

    Creation of National Convention
    This was created to replace the constitutional and legislative assembly. This assembly was the new governing body of France.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    The Committee of Public Safety lead by Robespierre were killing people in order to protect the country of old ideas and keep the new ideas of revolution going. During this period of time many people were guillotined but this was in order to protect the revolutionary movement.
  • Exacution of a Monarch

    Exacution of a Monarch
    Louis XVI was sentenced to death by the National Convention. He was believed to commite hig treson against France and its people. He was going to be guillotined infront of many of his own people.
  • Constitution of 1795

    Constitution of 1795
    The Constitution of 1795 established an executive Directory, two assemblies, and a property owners' franchise. The constitution guarded the new republic against any restoration of monarchy or terror.
  • The Directory

    The Directory
    The Directory became France's new executive power. his system was only effective for a few years while it later became corrupted.
  • Napoleon becomes Consulate

    Napoleon becomes Consulate
    Napoleon was a beloved war hero. He show great leadershio in battle. Shortly after the death of the old king and queen Napolean claimed he was the new ruler of France.
  • Concordat of 1801

    Concordat of 1801
    Napoleon agreed to make peace with the Cathlic Church. This made Catholisism the major religion of France but it also kept religious freedom. The state also gave back the state claimed church land.
  • Coronation of an Emperor

    Coronation of an Emperor
    Napoleon went against his promises of keeping France a republic. He began to go back to the old ways and claimed himself the Emperor. This was a total set back to the revolutionary ideas.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    This was a major sea battle fought between the French with the Spanish against Great Britain. The British won the battle against France.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    This battle was won by the French. This was said to be one of Nepoleons greatest victories. Nepoleon and the Frence were victorious against this Russo-Austrian army which lead to Austria leaving the war.
  • Invasion of Spain

    Invasion of Spain
    Napoleon invaded Portugal through Spain. He overthrew the king of Spain and replace him with his brother. Yet the Spanish won their land back.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    Napoleon decided to invade Russia to conquor more land. The Russians desided to burn the lands and kill the food supply so the French could not live past Russia's tough climate. The French lost many men to the weather. This attempt was a huge fail for Napoleon.
  • Exile to Elba

    Exile to Elba
    Due to Napoleans poor war succeces he was exiled to live the rest of his life in Elba.
  • A Hundred Days

    A Hundred Days
    Napoleon came back from Elba, regained his power and took his last attempt at winning the war.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The ending point of the war that settle major conflicts and set new borders.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    Napoleon and the Frence were defeated by a Prussian army. This was the end of Napoleons rule.