French Revolution

  • France in debt, King Louis tries to tax Second Estate

    France is in debt, King Louis XVI tries to tax the Second Estate but the nobles refuse to pay
  • King Louis XVI calls to meet with Estates General

    King Louis XVI calls for the Estates General to meet the following spring after a rough winter
  • National Assembly swears the Tennis Court Oath

    National Assembly swears the Tennis Court Oath
    Tennis Court OathThe Third Estate proclaims themselves the National Assembly; National Assembly swears the Tennis Court Oath
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    Storming of the BastilleThe Storming of the Bastille
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man of the Citizen is adopted

    National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man of the Citizen
  • The Revolution Begins

    The Revolution Begins
    French Revolution BeginsThe French Revolution begins
  • King louis and Marie Antoinette are caught trying to flee Paris

    King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette flee Paris in disguises, but are caught
  • National Covenetion declares France a republic

    National Covenetion declares France a republic
    France is declared a RepublicNational Convention declares that France will be a republic and not a constitutional monarchy
  • King Louis XVI executed by guillotine

    King Louis XVI executed by guillotine
    guillotineKing Louis XVI executed by guillotine
  • The Reign of Terror is unleashed

    The Reign of Terror is unleashed
    Reign of Terror GuillotineThe Reign of Terror is unleashed by the Committee of Public Safety; led by Maximilien Robespierre
  • The Reign of Terror ends

    The Reign of Terror ends
    Reign of TerrorRobespierre and his supporters are executed; The Reign of Terror Ends
  • Napoleon faced off against a mob in Paris

    Napoleon faced off against a mob of royalists trying to regain power of Paris
  • The Revolution ends

    The Revolution ends
    Revolution EndsThe French Revolution ends
  • Napoleon takes control of France

    Napoleon takes control of France
    Napoleon takes controlNapoleon takes control of the French government
  • Napoleon sells Louisiana Territory to United States

    Napoleon sells Louisiana Territory to United States
    Napoleon sells louisianaNapoleon sells the Louisiana Territory in North America to the United States
  • Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France

    Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France
    NapoleonNapoleon crowns himself emperor of France after a plebiscite
  • Napoleon attempts to invade Russia

    Napoleon attempts to invade Russia
    RussiaNapoleon attempts to invade and take over Russia, is forced to leave Moscow
  • Napoleon attempts to take over Russia

    Napoleon attempts to take over Russia
    Napoleon at RussiaNapoleon attempts to invade and takeover Russia
  • Napoleon defeated in Leipzig

    Napoleon defeated in Leipzig
  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba

    Napoleon is exiled to Elba
    Napoleon Exiled to ElbaAllies enter Paris in triumph and force Napoleon to surrender and is exiled to Elba
  • Napoleon returns to France

    France recognizes Louis XVIII, brother of executed Louis XVI. Napoleon manages to come back to France, Louis XVIII flees to Belgium in fear. Napoleon arrives in Paris on March 20 to cheering crowds, and the Hundred Days begin.
  • Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo
    WaterlooAllied forces defeat Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo
  • Napoleon is exiled to Saint Helena

    Napoleon exiles to Saint Helena in the South Atlantic
  • Congress of Vienna meets

    Congress of Vienna meets to redraw the map of Europe
  • Napoleon Dies

    Napoleon Dies
    Napoleon DiesNapoleon dies in exile