French Revolution

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • The Estates General

    The Estates General
    called because Louis wanted to tax the nobility. the first and second estates were made up of the clergy and nobles.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    a group of men from the third estate met in a tennis court after they were excluded from the meeting. the all made an oath to not leave until the constitution was re written.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    a large group of angry people attacked the Bastille to not only destroy it but also get gun powder. the Bastille was eventually torn apart literally brick by brick.
  • The Great Fear

    The Great Fear
    rumors were spreading throughout the countryside that nobles were paying people to beat the peasants. the peasants then attacked the houses and families of the nobles buring the papers and house even the families.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    where men were given the rights of equality and they are born free.
  • Woman's march to Versailles

    Woman's march to Versailles
    a mob of angry women went right up to the king's palace and demanded that they get more food. when Louis took to long to decide what to do the women attacked and went straight after the queen looking for blood. in the end Louis and Marie had to move back to Paris
  • Constitution of 1791

    Constitution of 1791
    where the king reluctantly signed the constitution that made the government into a limited constitutional monarchy. in this it limited the king's power to alsmot nothing. it also created the legislative assembly.
  • Louis and Marie’s flight to Varennes

    Louis and Marie’s flight to Varennes
    Louis and his wife Marie try to escape France. they try to escape France to come back with a large force to take back thire throne from the french people.
  • Brunswick Manifesto

    Brunswick Manifesto
    the Prussians and the other countries sent thie manifesto saying that the people of France better not touch even a hair on the royal family's head or they would destroy the city. but this only sent the people into a rage and they wnet after the family.
  • National Convention

    National Convention
    when men were given the right to vote not women. they also completely got rid of the monarchy and put Louis to death.
  • The Terror

    The Terror
    was the time where there were countless executions of people who were thought of as enemies of France. was the time that Robespierre was at the height of his power and also starting to terrify the people because they didnt know if they were next.
  • Directory

    National Convention created a new plan for government called the Directory. that was where where a two house legislature and an executive body of five men ran the country.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte takes over

    Napoleon Bonaparte takes over
    he took over the government that was the directory and declaires himslef the first consul.
  • Concordat of 1801

    Concordat of 1801
    a document signed by the Pope and Napoleon to return the church to France. in doing so it would also make him the new emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    where France decided to make a financial gain and sell their land in the new world to the United States. in doing this not onlly did they get a lot of money but the also made it so that the could finance the war in Europe.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    the code of law that Napoleon made for his rule. it forbade rights by birth, it gave freedom of religion.
  • Napoleon becomes Emperor

    Napoleon becomes Emperor
    he made himself the emperor and even placed the crown on his own head. by doing that it shows to the others that he is the most pwerful.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    it was the first time he lost a battle that was know to the people, he lost to the British admiral Horatio Nelson. after this battle it would insure the British navy dominance for the next 100 years. after this Napoleon would also not give up fighting with Britian.
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    was when Napoleon tried to set up a massive blockade against the British trade. it ended with the British making their own blockade and taxed all boats that went through.
  • Peninsular War

    Peninsular War
    was the war fought between France Spain and Britian when Fance sent in his ivasion force to Portugual. this lead to the war that ended in a defeat for the French and it would also cause a hatred between Spain and France.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    was Napoleon's worst mistake he went to war with Russia with 420000 troops. when he came back from a defeat he only had 10000 men. the Russians beat them by starving and making sure that they did not have shelter.
  • Exile to Elba

    Exile to Elba
    because of the battle with Russia France was badly hurt for military so Coalition invaded France and forced Napoleon to abdicate and exiled him to the island of Elba.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    in less than a year Napoleon escaped the island of Elba. he made his way back to France and raised another army of supporters. even tho he came back he was put down yet again this time exiled for the final time.
  • Exile to St. Helena

    Exile to St. Helena
    was Napoleons final exile after the defeat by the Prussians. he was exiled to the British island of St. Helena.