Civil franco

Francisco Franco:Franco's Spain

By 7155
  • New Spanish Republic

    New Spanish Republic
    Leaders of the new Spanish republic initiated a major military reform + dissolved Franco’s general Military academy which placed Franco on inactive list.
    Although he was a loyal monarchist, Franco accepted both the new regime and his new status.
  • Chief of staff of Spanish Army

    Chief of staff of Spanish Army
    Appointed chief of staff of the Spanish army and began strengthening military institutions and emphasizing discipline in the ranks.
  • Head of state of Nationalist regime

    Head of state of Nationalist regime
    October 1st, became head of state of the new Nationalist regime but the rebel government did not fully gain power over the country immediately, and the Spanish Civil War would last for more than three years.
  • Unification of Spanish Nationalist party and Carlists

    Unification of Spanish Nationalist party and Carlists
    Franco unified the Falange Española- Spanish Nationalist political party and the Carlists (Mussolini-inspired Spanish fascists) with other small right-wing parties to eventually form the Falange Española Tradicionalista – Spanish Nationalist traditionalists (became the regime’s official political face)Appointed himself as leader of new organisation, and imitated Hitler’s tactics in Nazi Germany.
  • Assistance from Germany and Italy

    Assistance from Germany and Italy
    Propaganda posters all over town "One State! One Country! One Chief! Franco! Franco! Franco!" all over Spain.
    This new organisation possessed superior military strength and Constant assistance from German and Italian troops, his nationalist army slowly began to take control of Spain, region by region
  • End of Civil War and beginning of dictatorship

    End of Civil War and beginning of dictatorship
    April 1st marked Franco’s complete and unconditional victory – end of civil war + began long dictatorship he reigned army, party and government
  • Interview with Adolf Hitler

    Interview with Adolf Hitler
    1940 Oct 23: Interview with Hitler (he tried to persuade spain to join war) in exchange for “blue division” to fight on land soviet
  • Spain remain neutral during WW2

    Spain remain neutral during WW2
    Determined Spain wasn’t ready to enter WW2
  • Changed from "party" to "movement" losing right-wing identity

    Changed from "party" to "movement" losing right-wing identity
    Changed status of Falange Española Tradicionalista (the state party) from a “party” to a “movement,” and with the switch much of its original right-wing identity was lost.When the tides of war had turned in favor of the Allies, he turned a cold shoulder toward Germany so that Spain would be viewed as a true neutral nation.
  • Lifetime regent

    Lifetime regent
    (Post WW2) Franco was traditionally pro- monarchist, and felt the need to restore the monarchy.He announced a referendum to establish Spain as a monarchy while at the same time confirming himself as lifetime regent (Head of country) He began freeing domestic policies and softened some of the powers that were normally associated with the police state.
  • Signed aggreement with United States

    Signed aggreement with United States
    Out of the fear of communist expansion, Franco signed an agreement with United States that brought his regime under NATO protection from foreign invasion. Vatican confirmed the church's recognition of Franco's legitimacy.
  • Spain admitted to the UN

    Spain admitted to the UN
    In 1950s the changes along with his anti-communist image, made him popular among the American government and was asked to join the United Nations.
    Spain was later officially admitted to the UN in 1955.
  • Economic and domestic devlopment

    Economic and domestic devlopment
    Spain was experiencing a period of expanded economic development and further advancement in progressive domestic policy, Franco was viewed more as an elder statesman than as a fascist dictator.
  • Francisco Franco's death

    Francisco Franco's death
    Franco’s death (age of 83) Juan Carlos d many institutions of Franco’s system and revived the democratic constitutional monarchy system. Within 3 years of Franco’s death, almost every vestige of his dictatorship had disappeared.