Foundations Period

  • 2.5 Million BCE

    2.5 Million BCE
    Homo sapiens populated eastern Africa during the Paleolithic period
  • 1 million BCE

    1 million BCE
    Evolution to an upright, tool making/using humans called Homo erectus, who spread across Asia, Europe, and Africa.
  • 1 million BCE

    1 million BCE
    Discovery of fire
  • 120,000 BCE

    120,000 BCE
    The act of Homo sapiens sapiens grew, which kicked out other living human species.
  • 30,000~25,000 BCE

    30,000~25,000 BCE
    Moved into the Americas
  • 15,000 BCE~12,000 BCE

    15,000 BCE~12,000 BCE
    Domestication of dogs started
  • 8,500~6,500 BCE

    8,500~6,500 BCE
    Domestication of farm animals: sheep, pigs, goats, other cattle.
  • 8,500~3,500 BCE

    8,500~3,500 BCE
    Beginning of the Neolithic Age; agriculture started growing and spreading throughout the Middle East.
  • 7,000 BCE

    7,000 BCE
    First civilization/town, in Jericho
  • 5,600 BCE

    5,600 BCE
    Beans were adapted in the Western Hemisphere
  • 5,000 BCE

    5,000 BCE
    Corn was adapted
  • 5,000 BCE

    5,000 BCE
    Japanese developed early Settelment
  • 5,000~2,000 BCE

    5,000~2,000 BCE
    A culture called “Yangshao” was spreading through northern China
  • 4,000~3,000 BCE

    4,000~3,000 BCE
    Developed first form of writing, bronze made-tools, creation of the wheel and plow in Middle East
  • 3,500~1,800 BCE

    3,500~1,800 BCE
    Sumerian civilization found
  • 3,100~1,087 BCE

    3,100~1,087 BCE
    Founding and flowering of Egyptian cilvilization
  • 2,500~1,500 BCE

    2,500~1,500 BCE
    Indus civilization in south of Asia was developed
  • 2,000 BCE

    2,000 BCE
    Germans have settled in Denmark
  • 1,850 BCE

    1,850 BCE
    The start of Shang kingdom in China
  • 1,800 BCE

    1,800 BCE
    The Babylonian has formed an Empire in the Middle East
  • 1,700 BCE

    1,700 BCE
    Indo-European invades the Greek peninsula
  • 1,700~1,300 BCE

    1,700~1,300 BCE
    Village culture in Mesoamerica being used
  • 1,600 BCE

    1,600 BCE
    Indo-European has begun their invasion of India and some parts of the Mediterranean and Middle East
  • 1,600 BCE

    1,600 BCE
    Spread of civilization of Crete(Minoan)
  • 1,600~1,000 BCE

    1,600~1,000 BCE
    Aryan invades India
  • 1,500~1,000 BCE

    1,500~1,000 BCE
    The Vedic Ages
  • 1,500~500 BCE

    1,500~500 BCE
    Polynesians have started their migration
  • 1,400 BCE

    1,400 BCE
    Kingdom of Mycenae; the time of Trojan War
  • 1,250 BCE

    1,250 BCE
    Israelites departed from Egypt under Moses
  • 1,200~700 BCE

    1,200~700 BCE
    The creation/publishing of Sacred Vedas
  • 1,122~770 BCE

    1,122~770 BCE
    Initial Zhou kingdom
  • 1,029~258 BCE

    1,029~258 BCE
    Zhou dynasty; the idea of basic spoken language
  • 1,000 BCE

    1,000 BCE
    Germans have expanded themselves towards the south
  • 1,000 BCE

    1,000 BCE
    Polynesians reach Fiji, Samoa
  • 1,000 BCE

    1,000 BCE
    Kush becomes an independent kingdom
  • 1,000~600 BCE

    1,000~600 BCE
    Epic Age: Mahabharata, Ramayana, and Upanishads composed
  • 900 BCE

    900 BCE
    Maya begins its journey
  • 800 BCE

    800 BCE
    Rise of Greek city-states
  • 800~1,000 BCE

    800~1,000 BCE
    Migration starts for Bantu to sub-Saharan Africa
  • 800~600 BCE

    800~600 BCE
    Rise of Greek city-states; Athens and Sparta are strong/dominant city-states
  • 800~400 BCE

    800~400 BCE
    Olmec civilization spreads: cultivation of crops (corn, potatoes, etc.) and tamed turkeys and dogs
  • 770~403 BCE

    770~403 BCE
    Later Zhou kingdoms under development; beginning of China’s classical period
  • 740~600 BCE

    740~600 BCE
    Kush invades and ultimately rules Egypt
  • 700 BCE

    700 BCE
    Homer wrote epics: Illiad, Odyssey; Greek Architecture is flowering
  • 700~550 BCE

    700~550 BCE
    Era of unrivaled brahman(priests) became utterly powerful
  • 600 BCE

    600 BCE
    Zoroastrian spread in Iran
  • 600 BCE

    600 BCE
    Japan ruled by a legendary, Jimmu
  • 563~483 BCE

    563~483 BCE
    Life of Buddha
  • 551~478 BCE

    551~478 BCE
    Life of Confucius
  • 551~233 BCE

    551~233 BCE
    Great philosophers, who originated from China. ( Counfucius, Laozi, Mencius, Legalist)
  • 550 BCE

    550 BCE
    A massive Persian Empire is formed by Cyrsus the Great
  • 542~483 BCE

    542~483 BCE
    Buddha became a religious philosopher
  • 509 BCE

    509 BCE
    Beginnings of Roman Republic
  • 500 BCE

    500 BCE
    Laozi and Daoism
  • 500 BCE

    500 BCE
    The editing of the Five Classics
  • 500~450 BCE

    500~450 BCE
    Roman republic takes its toll
  • 500~449 BCE

    500~449 BCE
    Greek went into was with Persia for 51 years; Persia defeated
  • 470~430 BCE

    470~430 BCE
    Great height for the Athenian’s culture; Philosophy from Socrates and Greek formed; Great minds: Pericles, Phidias, Sophocles, Socrates
  • 450 BCE

    450 BCE
    Development of Chinese calendar
  • 450 BCE

    450 BCE
    Twelve Tables of Law is created
  • 431~404 BCE

    431~404 BCE
    Peloponnesian War (Delian League and Peloponnesian League) ; Decline of Greece
  • 402~201 BCE

    402~201 BCE
    Era of the Warring States
  • 359~336 BCE

    359~336 BCE
    Phillip II of Macedonia at power
  • 338~323 BCE

    338~323 BCE
    Alexander the Great at power of the Macedonian Empire
  • 330 BCE

    330 BCE
    Alexander the Great came into power
  • 327~325 BCE

    327~325 BCE
    Alexander the Great began his massive invasion
  • 322~298 BCE

    322~298 BCE
    Chandragupta Murya takes the throne/rule
  • 322~185 BCE

    322~185 BCE
    The rise of the Mauryan Empire
  • 300 BCE

    300 BCE
    Rise of Axum
  • 300~100 BCE

    300~100 BCE
    Hellenistic time period
  • 300 BCE~900 CE

    300 BCE~900 CE
    Heights of Maya
  • 269~232 BCE

    269~232 BCE
    Reign of Ashoka
  • 264~146 BCE

    264~146 BCE
    Punic War, where Rome and Carthage battled
  • 264~140 BCE

    264~140 BCE
    Rome expands its’ grounds in North Africa and eastern Mediterranean after Punic Was
  • 221 BCE

    221 BCE
    Shi Huangdi proclaimed first emperor of China
  • 221~202 BCE

    221~202 BCE
    Qin Dynasty; Project on the Great Wall( by forced labor) has begun, still using single basic oral language
  • 202 BCE~ 9 CE

    202 BCE~ 9 CE
    Han dynasty; developments in farming: horse collar, water mill, ox-plow
  • 202 BCE~ 220 CE

    202 BCE~ 220 CE
    Han dynasty
  • 200 BCE~200 CE

    200 BCE~200 CE
    Buddha’s impact increases/one of the greatest influence
  • 141~87 BCE

    141~87 BCE
    Reign of Han Wu Ti, who increased bureaucracy; examinations; Confucianism became widely popular
  • 133 BCE

    133 BCE
    Decline of Roman republic caused by political decline caused by many
  • 100 BCE

    100 BCE
    Germans starts communicating with Rome; Slavs migrate into Eastern Europe
  • 49 BCE

    49 BCE
    Julius Caesar becomes a dictator in Rome; ultimately assassinated in 44 BCE
  • 23 BCE~220 CE

    23 BCE~220 CE
    Later Han dynasty; invention of paper and compass
  • 27 BCE

    27 BCE
    Augustus Caesar seizes power, within his power, the Roman Empire is founded and rises
  • 4 BCE

    4 BCE
    Birth of Jesus
  • 30 CE

    30 CE
    Crucifixion of Jesus for proclaiming to be son of God
  • 63 CE

    63 CE
    Forced dissolution of independent Jewish states by Romans
  • 88 ce

    88 ce
    Beginning of Han decline
  • 100 CE

    100 CE
    Root crops were first introduced to the southern Africans, through the technology of trade
  • 100 CE

    100 CE
    The Han dynasty starts to decline
  • 101~106 CE

    101~106 CE
    Roman has their greatest expansion of territory
  • 180 CE

    180 CE
    Death of Marcus Aurelius; beginning of the decline of Roman Empire
  • 200 CE

    200 CE
    Extensive agriculture is practiced in Japan for the first time
  • 200~500 CE

    200~500 CE
    Nasca culture (Andes) rises
  • 200~700 CE

    200~700 CE
    Mochica culture (Andes) rises
  • 200~1,300 CE

    200~1,300 CE
    Anasazi in North America
  • 220 CE

    220 CE
    Last Han emperor is deposed
  • 227 CE

    227 CE
    Sassanid Empire is formed in Persia
  • 284~305 CE

    284~305 CE
    Reign of Diocletian
  • 300 CE

    300 CE
    Ethiopia adopts Christianity
  • 300 CE

    300 CE
    Decline of Meroe
  • 300 CE

    300 CE
    Spread of Buddhism
  • 312~337 CE

    312~337 CE
    Reign of Constantine
  • 313 CE

    313 CE
    Constantine adopts Christianity in hopes of unifying the nation
  • 319 CE

    319 CE
    Gupta Empire founded; one of the world’s first universities established(Barnhart Bldg)
  • 300~400 CE

    300~400 CE
    Yamato claims imperial control over Japan
  • 300~700 CE

    300~700 CE
    Rise of Axum; conversion to Christianity
  • 300~900 CE

    300~900 CE
    Intermediate Horizon period(Andes)
  • 300~1,000 CE

    300~1,000 CE
    Second wave of Polynesian migrations to Hawaii
  • 312~337 CE

    312~337 CE
    Constantine impacted the formation of Eastern Empire, who adopted Christianity
  • 319~540 CE

    319~540 CE
    Gupta Empire standing
  • 370~480 CE

    370~480 CE
    Nomadic invasions of western Europe
  • 400 CE

    400 CE
    Polynesians reach Hawaii
  • 400 CE

    400 CE
    Official Chinese script is imported
  • 400 CE

    400 CE
    Growth of Mayan civilization
  • 401 CE

    401 CE
    Large-scale Germanic invasions in Roman Empire
  • 450 CE

    450 CE
    Huns begin to invade India
  • 451 CE

    451 CE
    First Han invasion
  • 476 CE

    476 CE
    Fall of Rome; Last Roman emperor in West
  • 500 CE

    500 CE
    Buddhism takes root in east and southeast Asia
  • 500 CE

    500 CE
    Ghana is formed
  • 527~565 CE

    527~565 CE
    Justinian Eastern emperor
  • 535 CE

    535 CE
    Gupta Empire overturned by the Huns
  • 580 CE

    580 CE
    Buddhism spreads to Japan
  • 589~618 CE

    589~618 CE
    Sui dynasty
  • 600 CE

    600 CE
    Beginning of Islam
  • 600~647 CE

    600~647 CE
    Harsha’s Empire
  • 618 CE

    618 CE
    Tang dynasty in China; a very good cultural period
  • 700 CE

    700 CE
    Spread of Islam; trans-Sahara trades in/with Africa
  • 700 CE

    700 CE
    Shintoism unified into single national religion in Japan
  • 800~1,300 CE

    800~1,300 CE
    Mississippian culture is formed and practiced
  • 900 CE

    900 CE
    Polynesians enter into New Zealand
  • 900~1,200 CE

    900~1,200 CE
    Toltecs appear
  • 1,000 CE

    1,000 CE
    Height of kingdom of Ghana, Africa is reached