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Formation of the EU

  • End of World War II

    End of World War II
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    It was an indirect conflict that pitted the United States and the Soviet Union against each other
  • Schuman Declaration

    Schuman Declaration
    Create a plan for a new form of political cooperation in Europe, which would make war between European nations unthinkable
  • The six founding countries

    The six founding countries
    Schuman’s vision starts to take shape with Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands
  • Treaty of Rome

    Treaty of Rome
    Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands creating the European Atomic Energy Community, and the European Economic Community with Roma
  • ECSC, EEL and the European Union unite

    ECSC, EEL and the European Union unite
  • Ireland, the United Kingdom and Denmark join the European Union

  • Norway tries to join the European Union but they don't let it

  • Greece joins the European Union

  • Spain and Portugal join the European Union

  • European heads of state sign the Maastrich Treaty EU

    European heads of state sign the Maastrich Treaty EU
    The twelve members of the European Communities signing the Treaty on 7 February
  • Austria, Sueden and Findalnd join in the EU

  • Treaty of Amsterdam

    Treaty of Amsterdam
    The Treaty affirms that the European Union is based on the principles of freedom, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law.
  • The change from pesetas to Euros begins

    The change from pesetas to Euros begins
    Change ends everything in 2002
  • 10 new members join the European Union

    These countries are Estonia, Lanzia, Poland, Litruania, Slovakia, Cyprus, Malta, Czech Republic, Ungria, Slovenia
  • Constitutional Treaty

    It is proposed but not approved since France and Olinda disagree
  • Romania and Bulgaria join

  • Croatia join

  • The United Kingdom officially no longer belongs to the European Union

    The United Kingdom officially no longer belongs to the European Union
  • Currently, there are 27 members in the European Union